Agostino CILARDO, The Evolution of the Muslim Family Law in Egypt, in Oriente Moderno 4-6(1985), 67-124




A historical outline of the attempts of a codification, and of the laws on the Islamic family law in Egypt:

-      code of Muhammad Qadri Pasha (1875);

-      law no. 25 of July 12, 1920;

- law no. 56 of 1923;

-      decree-law no. 25 of March 10, 1929;

-      codes of procedure for Shari'a Courts of 1910 (amended by the law no. 23 of 1913) and of May 12, 1931, no. 78;

-      code concerning the functions of the public officers charged with the drawing up of all the deeds regarding a marriage contract (January 4, 1955);

-      attempts to legislate in the domain of the family law from 1936 up to 1967;

-      decree-law no. 44 of 1979, declared unconstitutional and presented again, with some modifications, with the law no. 100 of July 3, 1985 (translation and analysis of the text).



-      translation of the law no. 25 of July 12, 1920;

-      translation of the Explicatory Note to the decree-law no. 25 of March 10, 1929;

-      translation of the decree-law no. 25 of March 10, 1929;

-      translation of the art. 99 of the code of procedure for Shari'a Courts of 1931;

-      translation of the arts. 18-33-bis of the code concerning the functions of the public officers charged with the drawing up of all the deeds regarding a marriage contract (January 4, 1955);

-      translation of the Explicatory Note to the decree-law no. 44 of 1979.



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