Academic degrees



1) Graduated with honours in Political Sciences for the Near and Middle East (with a four-year course of Arabic language and literature), at the Oriental Institute (Naples), on October 18, 1974, with a thesis on: “Il problema dell’origine del diritto musulmano”, published as Teorie sulle origini del diritto islamico (Theories on the origins of Islamic law), I.P.O., Rome, 1990.

2) Graduated with honours in Islamic Studies at the Oriental Institute (Naples), on July 27, 1981, with a thesis on: “Il diritto di famiglia in Egitto”, published as “The Evolution of the Muslim Family Law in Egypt”, in Oriente Moderno 4-6(1985), 67-124. The first results of this research (“Il diritto di famiglia in Egitto alla luce del decreto-legge 20 giugno 1979, n. 44”) were presented at a Seminar on “Le istituzioni familiari nell'area mediterranea”, organized by ISPROM-Istituto di Studi e Programmi per il Mediterraneo, held in Sassari (Italy), on December 15-16, 1980.

3) Four-year course (1989-1993) of Theology at the Istituto Superiore di Scienze Religiose di Capua (Caserta, Italy).



- Editor of Studi Magrebini 

- General Editor and Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies

- Member of the Scientific “Comité de Patronage” of Studia Asiatica

- Consultant and assistant headmaster of the “Scuola Superiore per Mediatori Linguistici, Fondazione Villaggio dei Ragazzi – Don Salvatore d’Angelo”, Maddaloni (Caserta)


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