depression: no will to live!

Depression: no will to live!

personal notes from dr. Italian Claudio

Distinguish, with big lines and to make us understand, as our intent in this website, a minor disorder, dysthymia, or bad mood, casual, less serious, more limited in time and in the signs from depressive disorder more real, more serious psychiatric and relevance.


It 's a chronically depressed mood, present for most of the day, nearly every day for 2 years. Individuals with dysthymic disorder feel sad, "down in the dumps." They still have one or more symptoms listed below:

poor appetite or conversely hyperphagia (eating chocolate, sweets, snacks etc..)

insomnia or hypersomnia

low energy or fatigue

low self-esteem

difficulty concentrating or making decisions

feelings of hopelessness


It 's a chronically depressed mood, present for most of the day, nearly every day for 2 years. Individuals with dysthymic disorder feel sad, "down in the dumps." They are still one or more symptoms listed below:

poor appetite or conversely hyperphagia (eating chocolate, sweets, snacks etc..)

insomnia or hypersomnia

low energy or fatigue

low self-esteem

difficulty concentrating or making decisions

feelings of hopelessness

And 'this dysthymia in 2% of the elderly that may arise as a loss of self, that is inability of the elderly to meet emerging needs, dysthymia occurs especially in autumn or winter, when the elderly are more time at home and alone, it may be associated with other sentomi: feeling chest pain, dyspnea, palpitations, dizziness, abdominal pain, constipation, urinary frequency, urgency, voiding, widespread musculoskeletal pain, headache, memory disturbance, dizziness. May be associated, again, true systemic diseases:


ischemic (infarcted cardiac patient, hospitalized in Utica, etc.)

cerebrovascular disease (stroke patient with crying, despair, is not viable)

Parkinson's disease (patient confused, aggressive, antisocial, who feels abandoned and disabled)

Major depressive disorder.

It can be mild, moderate or severe. According to studies, Americans are affected 26% of women and 12% of men. Especially if there is a family first-degree relative who suffers.

Major depressive episode if:

There are 5 or more of the symptoms listed below, is characterized by the following symptoms are present simultaneously for a period of two weeks, not caused by specific pathological conditions (eg. Serious illness and hospitalization), nor associated with delusional ideas:

Depressed mood for most of the day, nearly every day

marked decrease of interest and pleasure in all activities of the day;

weight loss or weight gain or decreased appetite nearly every day.

insomnia or hypersomnia

agitation and psychomotor retardation nearly every day


feelings of worthlessness or excessive or inappropriate guilt (which may be delusional) nearly every day

reduced ability to concentrate or think

thoughts of death (not just fear of dying, but suicidal ideation without a specific plan or design a specific plan for committing suicide.

. Major depressive disorder, single episode if:

The symptoms cause significant distress and impaired functioning in social, occupational or other important areas.

The symptoms are not dependent on use of substances, eg. drugs

The symptoms depend on mourning the loss of that person (eg. Spouse

There were no other psychiatric manifestations, eg. schizophrenia, delusional or psychotic depressive disorder, or hypomanic.

Major depressive disorder applicant

presence of two or more major depressive episodes, interspersed with two months of each other

there must be other manifestations of psychiatric relevance (as above)

Care (!)

And 'written with exclamation point because any disturbance of mood is never overlooked and I tell you from experience and knowledge of the facts: it is not the first time we read of suicides in the newspaper of people at the height of career, home divorced, students etc..

The first objective is to go to the psychiatrist, without shame or hesitation! Knowing that 20% of the population, subjected to the pressure of daily stress, suffers from psychiatric problems. The psychiatrist will carefully assess your problem and prescribe an antidepressant medication that "stitches", rather, on you, as the symptoms that you are suffering. They are:

the older tricyclic antidepressants

the new SSRIs, serotonin reuptake inhibitors that is, for example: fluoxetine, sertraline, paroxetine, fluvoxamine and citalopram

other antidepressants, bupropion, nefazodone, trazodone, venlafaxine, mirtazapine and reboxetine.

MAO inhibitors.

The treatment is highly specialized, so you should contact a psychiatrist, drugs early in treatment may give sedation, but then this is a beneficial effect exploitable for therapeutic purposes (that is, if a person suffers from insomnia because his boss the is running out and sends him down, so better not be!) can sometimes give dry mouth, impaired ability to focus objects, tachycardia, sexual dysfunction, anticholinergic per share and finally can give increased weight, but it well if a person was previously asthenic. So the care you need to do if you have the directions!

And we close with a curiosity in the 80 studies have shown that exposure to sunlight seems to 10,000 lux directed toward the face of patient X at least 30 minutes a day can treat depression and stress. The discovery means that in these cursed our Northern cities, no parks, no sun and no color live evil will take account of the political masters with the architects to design cities of the future, where parks and life in the light of sun is important as you see the article soma_psiche_ambiente had already hit the target, ie a person living in a social and natural environment in which his body is immersed in an environment with lowering the psyche, ie, with central nervous system that connects us the rest, it follows that if I am wrong in my natural environment, why do not I have contact with the social, his neighbor, coll'ortolano, with pork, with the priest and so on, nor with nature, suffers the My mind and my body.

>>>see first page

>>>see also RICERCA