The diet

Surely health begins at the table and there's little to say. What should I eat to stay healthy?

It 's the most common question you hear that the doctor asked. The diet seriously needs to be balanced in this website is already talk of adequate food and was set as a diet therapy for weight loss. Diet serious, therefore, must have the following characteristics:

Contain all the nutrients

Contain them in the right proportions.

Certainly most of our readers have the problem of eating outside the home, such as fast food (literally fast food or hit and run), stressed by modern rhythms and chaotic life of today, fortunately, is still in Sicily that the 77% of adults makes a good breakfast meal at home and 89% versus 75% who always eat outside the home. But Sicilian food and usually also the lords of the north is not adequate: a lot of meat, a lot of pasta, lots of fruit sugar, few vegetables, milk only women and children, only mineral water, fast food, as we said.

Or if you weight 100 and are 1.60 meters high, then the formula will be divided by 100 (1.6 x 1.6), ie 39.06!

Table of Degree of Obesity 'BMI (kg/m2)

Underweight <18.5

Normal weight 18.5 - 24.9 Overweight 25.0 - 29.9

The Obesity 30.0 - 34.9 "The 35.0 - 39.9

Severe obesity III> 40

Fat is not beautiful! (Even though Pope John XXIII was beautiful and healthy and if the Lord Buddha is good!)


Obesity is an important

risk factor for numerous diseases

Cardiovascular disease: coronary artery disease, cerebrovascular and thromboembolic disease, arterial hypertension

Endocrine / Metabolic: metabolic syndrome, diabetes mellitus type 2, dyslipidemia

Musculoskeletal diseases: osteoarthritis / osteoarthrosis, hyperuricemia, gout

Pulmonary disease: obesity-hypoventilation syndrome, sleep-apnea

Diseases of the Gastrointestinal: esophageal reflux disease, cholelithiasis, pancreatitis, liver disease: nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)

Even the excessive thinness, anorexia, bulimia are beautiful things, or the frantic quest for thinness of young people today, that during adolescence relate with their bodies, which are maddeningly in some Italian cities, such as a Milan, where they live with the obsession of the flesh to the hips, cellulite etc.. etc.. The other day I listened to a radio broadcaster from the Milan and I was sick to hear the announcer voice effeminate speaking of fat, flab of blemishes, with the exasperation of a complex!

Anorexia usually begins with a diet in order to improve its image.
Implies a drastic rejection of food in order to pursue an ideal of unattainable thinness: the anorexic person never feels thin enough.
The body, skeleton, becomes the scene of an inner pain that words can not say. Anorexia lies a profound discomfort that you are trying to silence through the obsessive control of calories and weight.
Anorexia affects your body hard, attacking him in his vital functions and can lead to serious physical consequences such as renal failure, osteoporosis, cardiovascular disorders, loss of teeth and hair.
Anorexia can die.

The person suffering from bulimia have a low self-esteem that comes from a deep inner emptiness. In a desperate attempt to fill this void is forced beyond his will, to ingest enormous quantities of food and then vomita.Il guilt resulting therefrom, forced to come up with such dangerous conduct preliminary self-induced vomiting, abuse of laxatives and diuretics .
Bulimia is not clearly visible as anorexia, but equally devastating consequences on the lives and health of sufferers.

Anorexia, bulimia and obesity, expressed in a different way, a desperate hunger for love.

The obsessive thoughts of food furnishes the mind by protecting flood of emotions such as anger, fear and desire, before whom you feel fragile and vulnerable. The obsession with food, weight and body creates a dependency, to exit that requires a specialist help.

So what should we eat?

First the rules!

Implement a food education program, parents and school start

no food in front of the TV

briosciame nothing in the house!

No carbonated beverages

Do not eat fast

do not skip breakfast

do not push to clear the dishes

do not overdo it with meat and baby food!

Delighting to life and motion

Then here's balanced diet.


55-58% carbohydrates

25-30% fats, the polyunsaturated BETTER


ENERGIES OF MEAL Divided into:



CENA -dinner35%


So eating carbohydrates is important, including diabetes, so we mean that pasta and bread are fine, for example from 80 to 100 grams per meal, then you just encourage diet and motion, eating the vegetables at least 2-3 servings of, preferably fruits and vegetables, 2-3 fruits per day, a little sugar, such as pears, apples more bitter, the "Emperor" restrict the use of butter, fats, condiments, such as lard, fried snacks, Snacks, potato chips, but not abolish the extra virgin olive oil or the corn that contain omega 3, but bolire or reducing sweets, candy, soft drinks, orange juice, cakes, pastries, cornettini, swivels, donuts, cream etc..

The wine goes well, a patient yesterday jokingly called him "the blood of Christ, but must be done" communion "with only one finger per day (!), Wine red, the natural home, not" stick " with anthocyanosides and antioxidants, milk is good, especially at breakfast the boys, preferably semi-skimmed.

In summary:

Calories per gram of food, ie foods "burn" in the body as any fuel, even if the temperature of the body and generate:

Carbohydrates = 4 calories clean energy / gram

Excessive fat = energy, dirty * 9 calories / gram.

Protein = spare parts for maintenance and growth, amino acids **

Water: Water occurring metabolites, the body is made of water, dehydration

vitamins, mineral salts (hydro soluble)

dietary fiber

* But: well if polyunsaturated fats eg. corn oil, olive oil, fat-soluble vitamin (A-D-E-K

** However, the right quantity (waste nitrogen)


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