acute gastritis, peptic ulcer, duodenum and Helicobacter pylori.

GASTRITIS  CHRONIC, acute gastritis, peptic ulcer, duodenum and Helicobacter pylori.

Gastritis. Gastritis is a term that was once abused by ordinary people to describe "heartburn" and, therefore, a dyspeptic syndrome (from the greek, indigestion) today acquired new significance following the recent acquisition gastritis antral is attributable to infection by Helicobacter pylori (HP) and is associated duodenal ulcer. The various classifications of gastritis are those previously used in Sydney that divided into a) acute gastritis and b) chronic gastritis c) Special gastritis.

Acute gastritis is often the result of toxic damage and drug (NSAID gastritis) or alcohol, or stress (see link), or respiratory failure, usually occurs in burn patients and to the cave; frequently occurs in patients critical condition in intensive care patients. Their most serious manifestation is gastrointestinal bleeding, endoscopic appearance of gastric erosions will Asocio punctiform hemorrhagic lesions or frankly hemorrhagic gastritis with erosion acute in 2 / 3 of the residual mucosa.

Chronic atrophic gastritis, which usually saves the cave is associated with the presence of anti-parietal cells, to reduction in acid secretion and intrinsic factor and thus pernicious anemia and other autoimmune diseases. In the form gi chronic gastritis associated with Helicobacter pylori, the lesion is localized in antral. The presence of H. P. can be demonstrated by bacterial culture on antral biopsies but is usually easier to use invasive tests of urease, which is based on the ability of HP to split urea into NH3 and CO2, by tacking a pH indicator dye. Other times you can use non-invasive tests to assess whether the person has benefited from the eradication therapy (see below), marked by the test to C14, are also available tests involving the anti-HP antibodies of IgM class ( active infection) and IgG (previous infection).

The special includes gastritis eosinophilic gastritis, gastric antrum that the Interested, with submucosal edema and eosinophilic infiltrate and giant cells, granulomatous gastritis that resembles that of sarcoidosis, tuberculosis and Crohn's disease, ulcer, infiltration and thickening of mucosa and luminal narrowing, gastritis or Menetrier ipetrofica giant folds with giant nodular or polypoid and excessive mucus production.

Helicobacter pylori: chronic gastritis and ulcers, how and why. This stranger is a spiral-shaped bacterium, Gram - Negative, with a width of 0.5 microns and a length of 2 and 6.5 microns. It 'features a cover multiple unipolar and a scourge and a powerful urease activity (on which the test al'ureasi when you take a gastric biopsy sample is immersed in the reagent colorimetric system), both the form and the scourge indovarsi allow the bacterium in gastric mucosa and its urease activity allows him to create a barrier of ammonium bicarbonate ion is essential for its colonization. The H. P. has a circulation correlated with socio-economic development, so much so that in underdeveloped countries the infection is present in 80-90% of subjects and up, we, with age up to 50-60% after 70 years. The H. P. lives in the stomach and binds to gastric epithelial cell type, but sometimes also receptor ectopic gastric epithelium of the intestinal tract, Barrett's esophagus, Meckel's diverticula in plaques and heterotopic gastric mucosa of the rectum. During the investigation gastroscopy, can be seen through a) the cultivation of a piece of gastric tissue biopsy b) urease test on gastric biopsy, are non-invasive method alternativ c) serological test to research or IgG IgA directed against various bacterial antigens through the Elise and) the breath test with urea: the patient swallows a tablet of urea and, if the bacterium is present, free labeled CO2 that is collected in a breath sample and subsequently analyzed. Why is it important to know the presence of HP?

Why H. P. is associated to chronic antral gastritis and, later, those suffering from asthma may have recurrent ulcer, because the HP may increase levels of gastrin and thus the production of hydrochloric acid, perhaps even through an inhibition of somatostatin produced by antral D cells that exerts inhibitory G podruno gastrin cells. The infection eventually, over time can lead to excessive acid production and, consequently, damage to the duodenal mucosa, which ultimately gives rise to a transformation in gastric intestinal metaplasia (ie islands of gastric mucosa in the duodenum, where there should not be). Hence the duodenum and a 'possible duodenal ulcer, treatable with classical methods. Duodenal ulcer may also depend on other factors, for example by the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), whose parent is aspirin, because of their harmful action of prostaglandins on mucosal block, you may result in Zollinger-Ellison syndrome or unusual events such as Crohn's disease.

All individuals infected H.P. have a histological characteristic of chronic active gastritis (inflammation in the upper half of the gastric mucosa, with mild atrophy and maximum activity was cavern where indovato HP) but only a minority of them, however, will develop ulcer disease, or for immune or genetic predisposition or more virulent strains of HP.

The symptoms of gastritis is typically characterized by slow digestion, hardworking, epigastric pain or burning, feeling of fullness and hemorrhage (especially in the acute form) in the case of gastric ulcer pain is exacerbated by the ingestion of food; ulcer duodenal ulcer is, however, calmed dall'ingrestione food, because it closes the pylorus and more acid will not flow into the duodenum.


The eradication therapy. Is, usually, the association of drugs that regulate acid secretion and the use of two antibiotics, but encompasses several variants.

Therapy usually takes place:

a) proton pump inhibitor (omeprazole and sucedanei) 20 mg twice daily x + gx amoxocillina tablets twice a day and / or claritromcina x 250 mg tablets twice daily + metronidazole 400 mg tablets two x times a day. This care continues 7 days and then continue 3-5 weeks with only pump inhibitor.

b) pump inhibitor (omeprazole) + X amoxocillina 1 gram tablets twice daily or clarithromycin 500 mg tablets twice of x, all for 15 days, with less effectiveness for the eradication of which will be 70-80% .

Maintenance therapy. You must perform in patients who have relapses and you can use an alternate-day pump inhibitor or ranitidine dosage children or old. Other drugs from which the subject can benefit, especially if the disease is associated with peptic reflux esophagitis, which is a condition in which the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) is incontinent or the cardia malpositioned resulting slope acid in the esophagus and a sign of regurgitation and the "shoelaces", will be:

a) Antacids, ie preparations of aluminum hydroxide and magnesium in different combination, taken after meals or when needed;

. B) more specific for reflux, associations of alginic acid + aluminum hydroxide + magnesium trisilicate + sodium bicarbonate should be given immediately after meals and before bedtime: they form a reaction with stomach acid, alginic acid and precipitated foaming gel in the presence of CO2 and floating on the gastric juice, so that when reflux is a mechanical barrier to the action of the acid.

c) the old and still valid sucralfate which is a basic salt of sucrose aluminum sulfate.

d) prostaglandin, misoprostol

e) drugs that help engines continence of SLE: eg. clebopride, cisapride, sulpiride, they increase the tone of the LES and facilitate gastric emptying. ......

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