(english)Beauties of the Mediterraneum, part south.Romans called Mediterraneum or Mare Nostrum,because sea inter lands of Italy,Spain,Africa,Sicily,etc..Here photos certain areas or cities or places of countries bordering on the south Mediterraneum.The landscape is characterized by vast deserts, but also by beautiful oases and villages where lives a dream where the past and future.Nature is the master, where it is often difficult to live due to strong winds of sand, which then gives way to beautiful skies of blue.Warm cool or cold day and night due to dry weather desertic.And then blessed the Nile River that brings life for millennia and pristine beaches for thousands of serious km.People dedicated to pastoralism, trade and agriculture, and very observant of religious rituals, customs and costumes.All of this is Mediterraneum and also is Sicily,Spain,Morocco,Algeria,Libya,Egypt,Tunisia,Israel,Lebanon,Sirya,Turkey,Greece,...Mediterraneum is also strong winds as the Ghibli at south, as the scirocco,as grecale the north-east wind, the ponent at west, the libeccio at southwest,.. wind that always frightened sailors who take refuge in secure ports.This sea is never frozen and its surface temperature is maintained around 13 degrees in winter,in summer mitigating costs.In saves from muggy heat, especially when the breeze blows from the west.Mediterraneum deep sea is also close to 5000 meters as Crete island, or only a few tens of meters in the South of Sicily, or 3000 meters north as islands eolians.The people have slightly darker skin color in all areas, dark eyes, dark hair, normal stature, lean physique or normal.There are many religions such as Islam in the south, Christian at north, at east Orthodox, Jewish.In this vast area always grow trees and plants of special hot or tempered as olives, grapes, citrus, lemon, orange, mandarin oranges, figs, melons, medlar, and also very typical beautiful palms, pines, carob trees, reeds. Even in the desert oasis they were good and the true wealth for man and animals.Here there were great civilizations like the Egyptians, Phoenicians, Greeks, Carthaginians, Romans, Lombards, Arabs, Normans, Byzantines, Spanish, etc. and all left splendid monuments, as well as customs and traditions, just go to any of the Mediterranean countries to find the remains Fine majestic, full of history (The page is open to your help for free,send your litle picture.) send your pictures or notice to send your pix for this page

(italian)Bellezze del Mediterraneo,parte sud.Foto di alcune zone o cittā o posti di paesi che si affacciano sul Mediterraneo.Il paesaggio a sud č caratterizzato da estesi deserti,ma anche da splendide oasi e paesini da sogno dove convive passato e futuro.Paesaggi dove la natura č padrona,dove č spesso difficile vivere causa venti impetuosi di sabbia,che poi lasciano il posto a cieli splendidi di azzurro.Caldo di giorno e fresco o freddo la notte causa clima secco desertico.E poi il fiume Nilo benedetto che porta vita da millenni e spiagge immacolate per migliaia di km.Gente seria dedita alla pastorizia,al commercio e all'agricoltura,molto religiosa e osservante dei riti,usi e costumi antichi.(La pagina č aperta alla vostra collaborazione a titolo gratuito.)


Israel JerusalemIsraelblue mosque TURKEYTurkey

izmir efezIzmirSicily


Sharm al SheikEgypt


Spain-Baleares islandsSpainTunisia-Ksar TunisiaMaroccoMarocco Libia oasisLibia

Malta - La VallettaMaltaMalaga-Spain EspaņaSpain   

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tipic zone.desert


vulcanic zone

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