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Francesco Dalessandro was born in 1948. He lives in Rome, his Purgatory of splendours and agonies. He writes little and only out of need, to cure his ansiety. He has published even less: two slender booklets (I giorni dei santi di ghiaccio, in 1983: L'osservatorio, in 1984); he just finished the traduction of the "' Sonnets from the Portuguese ' (by Elisabeth Barret Browing) . He doesn't believe in the poet possessed by the god, so he doesn't bring slips of paper in his pockets, doesn't write lines on the margins of newspapers or on matchbooks. He prefers to stick to the ease of his tools: a confortable writing-table, good paper, a tender lead pencil or a thin point felt pen. The lines come later. His poetics can be synthetized with what Grace Kelly says to James Stewart in "Rear window" by Alfred Hitchcock: "Tell me what you saw and what it could mean".

from "L'Osservatorio" cap. XI

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