Transcript: Now, secrets from the set of the Star Trek: Voyager. It's almost the end of the line for the explosive series and Jeri Ryan's revealing some inside secrets about the final episode. Pat Collins: There is no pillow talk in Jeri Ryan's house. Her long-time boyfriend, Brannon Braga, co-wrote Voyager's final episode but Jeri insists she had no inside information about its content until scripts were handed out. The rumor is her character, Seven of Nine, will make a spectacular exit. She does not have a case of the coulda-would-shouldas about the way her character was developed. Jeri Ryan: Going from completely nonhuman to experiencing rebellious adolescence to reliving second childhood with Naomi, learning how to play and be child-like, developing real friendships, feeling maternal feelings, falling in love. I think it's been great And I think we've covered everything with her, especially the way the series is ending. Pat Collins: Was that a clue? A hint of a dramatic fate for Seven of Nine in the final episode? Were you startled by anything in that last episode? Jeri Ryan: Yeah, actually. There were a few surprises. But I'm not telling you what they are! I mean, my boyfriend is the former executive producer, you'd think I'd have some connection to find out some information. But they were very hush-hush about it. Pat Collins: Jeri and Brannon Braga have been together for two years. Braga co-wrote Voyager's last chapter. Jeri Ryan: Didn't bring the script home, didn't show me. He was very closed about the whole thing. Pat Collins: Here are some of Jeri's favorite Seven of Nine moments. Jeri Ryan: My favorites are always the ones where you really explore the character. I loved our 100th episode, "Timeless." "Dark Frontier," the first time you see Seven of Nine with the Borg Queen. "Human Error" from this season. Pat Collins: The show will soon be history But Jeri will never be too far away from her memories. Check out her souvenir shopping list. Jeri Ryan: I kind of ransacked the bridge. I had help and permission but, you know, I have taken a bunch of the consoles. I took the aft station where I sat at, behind the captain's and commander's chair. Pat Collins: Did you take your clothes? Jeri Ryan: No. They wouldn't give me the clothes. I was going to throw them in a bonfire, quite frankly, with the clothes. Pat Collins: Don't want to see them again? Jeri Ryan: Don't want to wear them again. Don't mind seeing them. I also took the Borg alcove. Pat Collins: Who will she miss the most from the cast? Jeri Ryan: Johnny Phillips. Ethan Phillips, plays Neelix, I think I'll miss him the most. That was my single saddest moment on the set, when I had my last scene with him.