
Ices of Mellone

Time of Preparation and Baking: 35 minuteren approximately


  Ingredients and Doses for 4 persons:


 1 melone red of approximately 5 chili 100 gr of sugar for every liter of starch juice 80 gr for every liter of hat juice 50 gr of fusing chocolate angel 20 gr Flower of gelsomino Procedure: Fairies to fuse the flower of gelsomino and cut to pieces the melone. After to have removed the peel and seeds, it to the sieve or in a pass-tomato passes to you and poured the juice obtained in one casserole, adding the starch, the sugar and the instilled one of gelsomino. You put the casserole on the fire and fairies to shrink all, cuocendo to fire much bottom and always stirring. Not as soon as leggermente it will be thickened, it pours it to you in stampini from the intentional shape, or within the coppette of plastic for alimony. Left to cool for an hour approximately. To this point you will have obtained ices, to which you will add to the hat of angel and the fusing chocolate cut pezzetti. Guarnite all with other flower of gelsomino as soon as cotto.Servite to table. Good Appetite!

 Sicialian Cassata

 Time of Preparation and Baking: 3 hours approximately

 Ingredients and Doses for 6 persons: 400 grams of pan of Spain - Ingredients for the annealed cream of: 500 gr of annealed 300 gr of sugar 50 gr of zuccata 100 grams of fusing chocolate 1/2 bustina of vaniglia 250 grams of real paste (for the ingredients you see (Paste of Almonds) coloring green for alimony. Procedure: Procuratevi one stamp to shape of svasato cylinder of 6 centimeters approximately of height and 28/30 centimeters of diameter. Prepared the pA of Spain (you see card "cake of pan of Spain"). Prepared therefore the cream of annealed: you take the annealed one freschissima and passes it to the sieve, you add the sugar, the vaniglia, pezzetti of chocolate, dadini of fruit candita and stirred well so as to to make of one homogenous cream. Prepared also a paste ball of colorful almond of green (you see card "paste of almonds"). Smoothed with mattarello the real paste to leaves of the thickness of approximately average centimeter and cuts them to you to rectangles of the height of the stamp and width of 4 centimeters. Lined to the edges of the stamp alternating the paste of almonds with the pan of Spain. To the bottom of the stamp arranged one high layer of pan of Spain a finger. Therefore the annealed cream of and you still cover with pan of Spain Fairies to dry, turns it on the plate d capacity to you and flavored with the candita fruit and the zuccata one. Good Appetite!

 Sicialian Cannoli 

Time of Preparation and Baking: 2 hours approximately 

Ingredients and Doses for 4 persons: 150 gr of cacao flour 15 gr in butter powder 20 gr 1 sugar egg 270 gr 1 spoon of Marsala 1 starch spoon 1 glass of latte 500 gr of annealed fresh Zuccata, pezzettini of chocolate, pistachio nuts, scorzette of orange sugar to veil Oil of olive extravergine. Procedure: Prepared the paste for the "rinds" pasting the flour, the cacao, 20 grams of butter, 1 egg, the sugar and you add the spoon of Marsala. Fairies a homogenous paste that you will make to rest an hour. After that, it smooths it to you and obtained of the squares of 12 cm of side that you will wrap diagonally around tubes of latta. Bathed the extremities and pressate in order to make to join them. You fry therefore in abundant oil. As soon as the rinds will be gilded, it makes you to dry them and to freddare, before detaching them from the tubes with much cure. Riempitele with the last annealed one to the joined sieve and to the ' starch, coagulated in the glass of latte, to the sugar, the pezzetti of pistachio nut, zuccata and chocolate. Decorated every single cannolo with scorzette of candite orange and dusted with sugar to veil. Good Appetite!

 Sorbetto di Limone& Arancia

 Time of Preparation and Baking: 1 hour approximately


  Ingredients and Doses for 6 persons: 2 chili of mature lemons 200 grams of lemons greens sugar to appeal to (to at least 100 g) 1 glass of Martini white man. Procedure: You take the lemons and spremeteli to obtain a liter of juice. It pours it in one sorbettiera electrical worker to you and you add to the sugar and the glass of Martini. Therefore set in action the sorbettiera. The sorbetto it will be ready when it will turn out cremoso and smooth. Adopted the same procedure for the preparation of the sorbetto to the orange. In place of the lemon juice you will use but a liter of orange juice and a glass of lemon juice. Advisable E' to serve the sorbetto hardly made (therefore not to conserve in frigo) in the goblets from ice cream. Good Appetite