G-H Proprerties,Methods,Events


GotFocus - Event  

Apply to            Common controls and/or Form
Sintax    -         Sub [Object]_GotFocus()..........End Sub 

Event fires when an object receives the focus. 
It needs an object with Visible and Enabled properties set to true


HWnd - Property

Apply to Form

Sintax    -         [Object].HWnd 

Do not store HWnd Value in a variable as it changes running application

     The HWnd is and handle to use with 'Declare' under eVB.

   Under NSBasic you  may use it with MGCE libraries that allow to call API.

Height - Property

Apply to Objects controls

Sintax    -         [Object].Height = (Value)


Evaluates the dimension (height) of an objects or form.

Hide   - Method  

Apply to Form

Sintax    -         [Object].Hide 

Hide the related object and sets its Visible property to False