B Properties,Methods,Events


BackColor- Property

Use:                to change objects background color    
Apply to           CheckBox -  ComboBox -  CommandButton -  Frame -  Label -  ListBox -
                       OptionButton -  Shape -  TextBox
Sintax    -         [Object].BackColor    = (Color)  or (Costant)
                                   Constants                 Color 
                                    vbWhite                   RGB
                         vbWindowBackground       ........
                         (one sample only see Constant List) 

BackStyle - Property 

Apply to            Shape -  Label

Sintax    -         [Object].BackStyle    =  (Value)

                                          0            Transparent
                                          1            Solid 

BorderColor - Property 

Apply to             Line -  Shape 

Sintax    -         [Object].BorderColor  =  (Value)


BorderStyle - Property  Read-only   

Apply to            Line -  Shape -  Label -  Frame -  PictureBox -  TextBox - [ Form ]

Sintax    -         [Object].BorderStyle  =  (Value)

                                   Constants           Value
                                   vbBSNone             0       no border
vbFixedSingle 1
fixed single
vbSizable 2
sizable [form]
vbFixedDialog 3
fixed dialog [form] for Line and Shape Costants Value vbTransparent 0 transparent
vbBSSolid 1
(default) solid
vbBSDash 2
[Form] - Does not apply to languages missing of a true Form object BorderWidth - Property Apply to Line - Shape Sintax - [Object].BorderWidth = (Value) Value Numeric Value (1, 2, ......) If BorderStyle = 0 then BorderWidth will be ignored Bottom - Property Use Number of pixels from form's top to the object's bottom Apply to NSBasic Objects Sintax - [Object].Bottom = (Value) Value Numeric Value (1, 2, ......) Appear to be obsolete for last version of NSBasic