As for the others pages that you can find in this site you wil find here only a 
list of links to pages that are commonly available on the Web.
The reason of this page is only to simplify your search of reviews of any Pda
for which you wish to collect informations to buy it or some other reason of
yours. When it is possible you can integrate these informations downloading,
if available, the manuals, in order to get all you need to make your choice.
Any PDA may report more than one review.

The review's url quoted herein do not represent the willing of the author to rate them as the
best or the only ones available. Some of them are quoted as they offer reviews for several 
pdas in the same place so that it is easy to compare the units under the same point of view
others are quoted as they quote better details, images or benchmarks. You may find many
other reviews looking at the web and performing your own search if you like.

p 230       pdagold   pdafrance                        mobile4you  
moboDA 3360    digitalreview    pocketpcitalia (it)                 

n30         pdagold    
n10         pdagold             
n35         pdagold 
n50         pdagold   PPCitalia (it)

a730        pdagold   pocketmatrix     tomshardware   mobile-review   pdafrance PPCthoughts
a716        pdagold   brighthand	   pdabuyerguide  mobile-review
a620bt      pdagold   ocworkbench                     mobile-review   
a620                                   pdabuyerguide  
p505                                                  mobile-review   pocketil   
a636                                                  mobile-review   mobinaute theregister 

P50       hardwarezone     
th55       brighthand                  pdabuyerguide  mobile-review    pdafrance
ux40/50                                pdabuyerguide  
tj37       brighthand                  pdabuyerguide  mobile-review                  
tj27                                   pdabuyerguide  mobile-review

3970                                   pdabuyerguide        

x51v                    bargainpda      ppcthoughts     brighthand      pocketnow 
x50v       pdagold      brighthand     pdabuyerguide  mobile-review1-2  pocketnow  
           aximsite     bargainpda     
x50mid                                                                                                                                aximsite
x30        pdagold      brighthand       pocketnow                       aximsite              
x3i        pdagold      brighthand                    mobile-review      aximsite 
x3                                     pdabuyerguide                          
x5         pdagold  

p 300                                  pdabuyerguide                                                        
m500       pdagold      PPCitalia      Trendsmobile   mobile-review  mobiletechreview 
m500(Torq P100)           Geek 
m500(Everex E900)       PPCDubai  
m600                     SPhone         msmobiles      ppcthoughts   mobiletechreview

Loox 410/420      pdagold     pdafrance              
Loox 600          pdagold
Loox 610          pdagold     FirstLoox    mobile-review
Loox 720          pdagold  pocketpcthought mobile-review  teutonico(it) tekguru   FirstLoox 
Loox 710                                   mobile-review  
Loox N520         pdagold                  mobile-review  SoloPalmari

ique 3600         brighthand pdabyerguide
ique M5           brighthand    msnbc                       bargainpda   davespda

hx2790/5                       pocketinfo                                davesipaq
hx2490                      mobiletechreview      
rx1950            pdagold   mobiletechreview  solopalmari   davesipaq      pcmag 
                 bargainpda  pocketpcitalia  
hw6515            pdagold    infosyncworld mobile-review    universPPC   PPCItalia ppcreview  
            (fr) mobinaute  mobiletechreview                             pocketnow     
hx4700            pdagold    pdabuyerguide   brighthand    Tomhardware   pocketnow  ipaqhq                 
rx3715            pdagold    pdabuyerguide   pdaFrance      bargainpda   pocketnow    
rx3115                       pdabuyerguide               pocketpccentral
rz1715           brighthand  pdabuyerguide mobile-review    bargainpda  
hx2750             pcmag     pdabuyerguide mobile-review  infosyncworld  pocketnow
hx2410                                     mobile-review
hx2110                                     mobile-review
h6315/40          pdagold    pdabuyerguide  mobileminds   pdabuyerguide   
               mobile-review   ppctools       geekzone      bargainpda  
h4150/55          pdagold    pdabuyerguide   brighthand    
h2210/15          pdagold    pdabuyerguide                  bargainpda    
h1940/45          pdagold    pdabuyerguide  
h1910/15         brighthand  pdabuyerguide  mobile-review     
h5550/55          pdagold    pdabuyerguide                  bargainpda 
h5450/55                     pdabuyerguide  mobile-review                    

O2 xDAII          pdagold    pdabuyerguide               
                  (sold by others brands as iMate, Qtek 2020 and MDA II.) 
QTek 9090         theregister  geekzone1    mobile-review   Geekzone
                  (named by others also xDAIII and MDA III.)
QTek S100         pdagold   mobinaute   pocketnow  mobile-review 1-2  pdafrance  Mozongo   
                  pdagold   PPCitalia (it)         mobiletechreview 
                  (named also Magician and Jam.)
iMate PDA2k       pocketpcdubai          pocketnow                  
                  (alias HTC BlueAngel o QTek9090, xDAIII, MDA III,i-Mate PDA2K.)
T.Mobile MDA III  infosync   
QTek 2020i        robertmoir    mobinaute   mobile-review  
Universal         pdagold 1-2   PPCtoughts    ppcdubai    SoloPalmari pdafrance
(JASJAR/Qtek9000)  ppcitalia    msmobilenews(xda exec)
release.200       pocketnow  mobiletechreview  mobile-review  gadgeteer  
release.100         ppcsg 
Apache                       mobiletechreview   geekzone 
Galaxy            Mobinaute pockectpcitalia(it)  
(Qtek G100)
Prophet                                     mobile-review  
(Qtek S200) 

MDPPC250+GPS      Mobile4you                 theregister
MDPPC100          pdafrance  (fr)

mio339            pdagold                    mobile-review
mio558            pdagold                    mobile-review (Rover P7)
mio168            pdatoday    pdabuyerguide   PPCThoughts    
mio A201                                     mobile-review

MPX               infosyncworld  mobinaute     mobileburn  (NO LONGER PRODUCED)

PiN               geekzone     pocketpctought  
PiN 570           ppcitalia 

Communicator 9300         mobileburn         mobile-review1-2  
Communicator 9500     allaboutsymbian 1-2   
770 Internet Tablet       howardchui

Zire 21           brighthand   pdabuyerguide    mobile-review
Zire 31           brighthand   pdabuyerguide    mobile-review
Zire 71           brighthand   pdabuyerguide                         
Zire 72           brighthand   pdabuyerguide                                
Tungsten T        brighthand   pdabuyerguide    mobile-review
Tungsten T2       brighthand   pdabuyerguide                         
Tungsten T3       brighthand   pdabuyerguide                             
Tungsten E        brighthand   pdabuyerguide                               
Tungsten E2                   mobiletechreview  mobile-review               bargainpda
Tungsten C        brighthand   pdabuyerguide                         
Tungsten W        brighthand   pdabuyerguide                               
T5                brighthand   pdabuyerguide    mobile-review               bargainpda                                                  
Treo 600                       pdabuyerguide                               
Treo 650          brighthand                                    mozongo              
LifeDrive         brighthand  mobiletechreview  mobile-review   davespda    bargainpda  
TX                brighthand  mobiletechreview   pdafrance   palminfocenter bargainpda                                         
Z22                           mobiletechreview               palminfocenter bargainpda

i700              brighthand  pdabuyerguide 
i730              mobiletracker  mobiletechreview           

e830              geekzone                      Transvoilà         
e800/805          pdagold     pdabuyerguide                  
e400/405          pdagold     pdabuyerguide     brighthand                   
e740/750          pdagold     pdabuyerguide   
e330                          pdabuyerguide                              

v35                           pdabuyerguide
v36                           pdabuyerguide        

Omikron           pdagold    
Delta 300(GPS)    pdagold