Version 2.8, September 2014

MPC is an algebraic calculator equipped with functions and constants directly user-definable, and conceived to calculate values interactively from expressions and functions with a selectable precision from 10 to 295 digits.
It automatically recognizes and interprets commands, expressions and assignments.
The implicit multiplication is allowed, and the bitwise operators are implemented.
The built-in functions include exponential, logarithm, trigonometric and hyperbolic functions direct and inverse, normalized normal probability integral direct and inverse and other commonly used functions.
The program can also factorize integers of up to 50 figures and find primes greater or smaller than selected numbers.

A summary of the features can be read from the file mpc.htm

MPC is available here for Linux: mpc-2.8.bin.tar.gz
The package contains executable, documentation and license.

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