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Centro Internazionale Documentazione "Linea Gotica"
Montemaggi has lectured about the Gothic Line at
important national and international meetings, in 1984 at Pesaro and
Sestino (where he won the 1st National Prize), in 1987 at Kassel and
Milazzo, in 1990 at Bologna, in 1994 at Lucca, in 1995 at Florence,
Medicina, San Marino Rep., Bologna. He has written many articles on the
battle of Rimini in the best Italian papers and magazines ("Corriere della
Sera", "Il Resto del Carlino", "Storia Illustrata", "Storia Militare")
and described in local books the war events of many towns along the
Gothic Line (Tavullia, Cattolica, Gemmano, Montecolombo, Riccione,
S.Lorenzo in Corregiano, Corpolò, Verucchio, Santarcangelo, Savignano,
Sarsina, Linaro, Cesena, Medicina, etc.).
Cronistoria di
Rimini e della Linea Gotica dal 1942-1944. Collection of 142 articles
printed on "Il Resto del Carlino" and "Il Corriere della Sera" from 1942
to 1997.. The book, officially presented on Sept. 21, 2002, on the 58th anniversary of the liberation of Rimini, is the conclusion of the whole historiography work of the Author about the offensive of the Gothic Line, "the biggest battle ever fought in Italy". In 344 pages of great size 21x30 cm, with 190 photos and 26 maps, it gives a detailed account of the Italian Campaign from the offensive of the Gothic Line, enlarged to the Greece landing, until Spring 1945, showing its political and military interdependence with the Balkan events and the world policy through the reservation of the divergent and controversial decision of Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin, until never revealed with such a brutal sincerity.
Since 2001 he is Honorary Presidente of Aries (Ass. Ricerche Iconografiche E Storiche)
Since 2002 he is member of Comitato
Nazionale for the Armerd Forces in the War of Liberation ABOUT AMEDEO MONTEMAGGI:
CANADA - Dominick Graham, historian (Tug of war - La battaglia di Italia 1943-45) Montemaggi, the Riminese guru of the Gothic Line. Bill McAndrew, historian, Canadian Directorate of History, (Canadians and the Italian Campaign) You are a special source of knowledge and know the military operations of the Gothic L. better than any other historian.
David Pentley,
Commander Canadian Land Force & Staff College, Kingston Montemaggi is the
only historian who knows the offensive of the Gothic Line from three
points of view, the Allied, the German and the Italian. Gen. Henri Tellier,
R.22.R., combatant, protagonist of the Battle of Rimini. You are, without
doubt, the most knowledgeable, prolific and, it seems to me, objective and
understanding historian on this subject and its impact on the war itself. GRAN BRETAGNA - James Lucas, combatant and historian (World War Two through German Eyes) You are the recognized authority on the war in Italy. Douglas Orgill, combatant and historian (The Gothic Line - Ital. La Linea Gotica) For professor Amedeo Montemaggi, friendship, respect and admiration Brig. John Paley, combatant, 4th Hussars "Gemmano, the Cassino of the Adriatic".This is war." Maj. F.V.Sheppard, combatant Queen's Royal Regiment "Gemmano" is the best historic report on the battles of the Gothic Line. Maj.Gen. John Strawson, later C.O. 4th Hussars and Chief of Staff Land Forces U.K. historian (The Italian Campaign ) Your knowledge of the battles of the Gothic Line is unequalled and you - thing most unusual - have looked at those fights from every point of view.
Raleigh Trevelyan, combatant and historian (Rome '44) You have given the
most precious contribution to the history of Italy and of the war.
Gerhard Schreiber, historian (Revisionismus und Weltmachtstreben) Montemaggi fills up many blank spaces in the historiography of the Italian campaign.
GRECIA - Panteleimos Fostini, Metropolite of Chios, historian (Proschinima sto Rimini) Many thanks to the Riminese historian Montemaggi who let me know the '"Offensiva della Linea Gotica", "Rimini - S.Marino '44", "Savignano '44" and "La Linea Gotica" (1990).
ITALIA - Life Senator Paolo Emilio Taviani, historian, president F.I.V.L.(Feder. It. Volontari Libertà). Montemaggi is known as the greatest expert in our Country and one of the best ones in the world as regards to historiography of the war campaign in Italy. Giovanni Spadolini, Italian Premier and Defence Minister Your work has a remarkable importance.. I have informed the Chiefs of Staff. Gen. Sq. Aerea Francesco Cavalera, former Chief of the Italian Defence You put a landmark in the history of that passage of Armies. Gen. Sq. Duilio Fanali, C.O: Raggruppamento Caccia regia Aeronautica Italiana 1943-45 I have appreciated your work, fruit of commendable and thorough synthesis, objective and and authoritative, of events that have moulded our present with an unequivocal mark.. and an undeniable, incisive influence on our future. Gen. Luigi Caligaris, Member of European Parliament, international political and military expert (Paura di vincere) It looks as in Italy only Montemaggi has dealt with the Auftragstaktik. Gen. Salvatore Scotto Di Carlo, (Italian Aeronautica) It has the chrism of a work of high historical level conferred by the impressive documents, by the profound and well-balanced rationality, by the harmonious richness and variety of details, by the narrative validity. Franco Bandini, historian, (Storia Illustrata, Occhio polemico, 1981) The volume is much more than a simple description because it contains the demonstration - impeccable - of a theory to which historians have turned a deaf ear.that the offensive was fought only apparently against Kesselring but in reality against Stalin and above all against the Roosevelt-Marshall-Hopkins triad. Renzo De Felice, historian, (Mussolini, l'alleato) In the last ten days of September Kesselring would have asked Hitler to withdraw behind the Po (A.M. Linea Gotica). Raimondo Luraghi, historian, (Storia della guerra civile americana) Montemaggi, the greatest scholar and expert of the historical problem "Linea Gotica". Arrigo Petacco historian (Storia del fascismo) Montemaggi, the most alert reconstructer of the battles of the Gothic LIne. Giorgio Pini, fascist historian and former Under-Secretary of the Interior in the Mussolini's Republic R.S.I. Exact and very well-documented chronicle of the Gothic Line offensive. Filippo Frassati, marxist historian (La Resistenza e gli Alleati) His much effective work gives a careful and detailed rec onstruction of the military operations in Autumn 1944. Mino Martelli, catholic historian (Una guerra, due Resistenze) Montemaggi graduates as the greatest world expert on this matter. |