Slijeme - Zagreb - Croatia

Slijeme - Zagreb - Croatia

Where: Slijeme hill, Zagreb, 1000 masl, JN75

When: June 2006

Bands used: HF 17m QRP

Antenna: ground mounted vertical

Open to: virtually 360 deg at some locations, but tall trees all around

DX: n/a

Facilities: there are quite many pic-nic woodden table+benches in highly shady areas; thick vegetation composed of 20m+ tall trees; usually no low branches

Access: either by car or cablecar from Zagreb, or hike.

Comments: I expected the location to be more favorable for VHF operations, but thick vegetation makes it almost impossible to find a good and open spot for /P enthusiasts. HF should be easier because of trees to support long wire antennas. Managed one 17m QRP SSB QSO with a sort-of GP supported by a short tree. The hill is very crowded on weekends and holidays.

GSM coverage: satisfactory.

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