La Riposa - Monte Rocciamelone - Torino - Italy

Where: ascent towards Monte Rocciamelone from the Valle di Susa. JN35ME, about 2100 masl. Car park or along the road.

When: 1994?

Bands used: VHF 2.5W

Antenna: 5 el. Yagi

Open to: from E to W through S. SE to W direction is full of distant taller mountains, though. The rest is obstructed by taller mountains.


Facilities: none. You need to bring all the equipment to erect the antenna.

Comments: acceptable location when most of France and Germany are not in the target QSO area. 2h drive from Torino.

GSM coverage: acceptable.

A picture taken in 1994(!). Antenna pointing towards S or W (why?!).

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© Paolo Cravero IK1ZYW

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