Bibliografia R668C




Fanen P, Ghanem N, Vidaud M, Besmond C, Martin J, Costes B, Plassa F, Goossens M. Molecular characterization of cystic fibrosis: 16 novel mutations identified by analysis of the whole cystic fibrosis conductance transmembrane regulator (CFTR) coding regions and splice site junctions. Genomics. 1992 Jul;13(3):770-6.


Dork T, Mekus F, Schmidt K, Bosshammer J, Fislage R, Heuer T, Dziadek V, Neumann T, Kalin N, Wulbrand U, et al. Detection of more than 50 different CFTR mutations in a large group of German cystic fibrosis patients. Hum Genet. 1994 Nov;94(5):533-42.


Bonizzato A, Bisceglia L, Marigo C, Nicolis E, Bombieri C, Castellani C, Borgo G, Zelante L, Mastella G, Cabrini G, et al. Analysis of the complete coding region of the CFTR gene in a cohort of CF patients from north-eastern Italy: identification of 90% of the mutations. Hum Genet. 1995 Apr;95(4):397-402.


Bombieri C, Benetazzo M, Saccomani A, Belpinati F, Gile LS, Luisetti M, Pignatti PF. Complete mutational screening of the CFTR gene in 120 patients with pulmonary disease. Hum Genet. 1998 Dec;103(6):718-22.


Bombieri C, Giorgi S, Carles S, de Cid R, Belpinati F, Tandoi C, Pallares-Ruiz N, Lazaro C, Ciminelli BM, Romey MC, Casals T, Pompei F, Gandini G, Claustres M, Estivill X, Pignatti PF, Modiano G. A new approach for identifying non-pathogenic mutations. An analysis of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator gene in normal individuals. Hum Genet. 2000 Feb;106(2):172-8.