Memory game by Tito

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made by Tito from Carrufo

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Dear user,

It takes a while to load the pictures. Press the buttons a couple of times to repaint the screen. After a short time you will see no gray blocks anymore, and then you can start to play. I will start this letter with the game rules, then I will discuss how to use the applet, and I will finish with some remarks about the making of the applet, for those who are interested in programming.

Game rules

At the very beginning of the game 72 cards lay face-down on the table. The current player opens a first card, and then a second card. If they show the same picture, the player may remove them from the table, he recieves a point, and this very same player can open two cards again. If he has opened two different cards, he must close them, and the next player can play. The game is finished if all cards are gone. The player with the most points (= the most cards) has won.

How to play