The patient with balance disorders

The patient with balance disorders ...

personal notes by dr. Claudio Italiano, hospital interns.

THE PATIENT Shambling!

What does this mean?

To those of you happened to get up in the morning and note that you can not keep your balance? Revolves around the house or skids you?

The imbalance is the inability to maintain the orientation of the intentional body in space. Usually the person can not keep upright while it is still or walking, but sometimes even by sitting still reeling. These people also complain about the so-called "vertigo", that is characterized by hallucinations of vision circular movements.


The imbalance is the result of sensory stimuli spinocerebellar disorders, ie the nerve signals that travel from the marrow to the cerebellum, the organ that processes them, also called vestibular. The inner ear, the saccule and dall'utricolo that are sensitive to static head position and acceleration of the same. The semicircular canals are sensitive, however, the movement of rotation. We're talking, of course, ear and its system of reception of motion stimuli that are transmitted via the vestibular nerve, vestibular nuclei, ie the receiving station signal and then the nucleus fastigiale place deep in the midline of the cerebellum and mossy fibers of the street glutaminergica will overlap with the granule cells of the ipsilateral cerebellar cortex flocculonodulare. So you see, is not simply the mechanics of posture and it can be altered by any disease and any distortion level, ie the receiving body (inner ear) to take devices that amplify, process and transmit the signal, including the vestibular nerve . Also, when a person is in poastura, signals coming from the periphery to the brain and head position on the limbs and trunk is detected by receptors sensitive to joint position, movement joints and elongation or shortening of the muscle spindles that are other sensory organs in the muscles of the axial skeleton and proximal limbs. These signals travel to the posterior columns of the spinal cord pathways lemniscali media elements and lead to the cerebellum via spinocerebellar pathways. The median cerebellar cortex and nuclei are of great importance in the integration of these signals and controlling, in turn, the answers. That is, if I have to be standing up and the foot and art are breaking down and I'm about to lose his balance, here is a signal that the brain download excitatory and enhances muscle tone corresponding snaps and I call into balance!

Purkinje cells of the cerebellar cortex by acting with efferent activity, that leaves the brain to carry signals to the body. So, ultimately, modulation of cerebellar cortical level movement is mediated by a complex circuit-type feed-back, that I have a signal and responds with a return that is responsible for regulating the balance el ' homeostasis of the organism, in response to a specific stimulus.

Trouble walking.

Walking is one of the more complicated and common physical activities of everyday life. There are coninvolte structures described above. The cyclical movements in gait, that the steps controlled by el spinal cord centers are modified by influences of the cortex, basal ganglia, brain stem and cerebellum, as stated above.


When you visit a patient is implementing a series of maneuvers, ie you do perform simple tasks, such as provatallone-knee-shin test or index-nose, ie the patient, with closed eyes, the nose must touch with the tip of the index, if this is difficult, it is because motor incoordination, dysmetria. The dysmetria does mean that there are errors in the measured strength and movements of the limbs. For example, the intention tremor that occurs when the patient is restrained by the arms outstretched, which jolted the issue, ie for non-cerebellar control. The patient's ability to tap quickly and repetitive, slow movements, gross deficits are signs of coordination from the first motor neuron lesion, ie, the first deputy to the genesis of nerve cell stimulation of movement. Beating the back and the palm is called disdiadococinesìa.


Cerebellar ataxia, cerebellar disorders means for stimulating afferent or efferent, that is going or leaving the cerebellum. Patients who suffer from learning to walk with legs apart and you can have symmetrical nystagmus. Other signs are dysmetria, intention tremor, disdiadococinesia. The vestibular imbalance problems, namely dell'orechio internal, manifested by the tendency to fall to one side and the patient complains of dizziness rather than changes in the balance. Romberg positive fluctuations mean that the patient with eyes closed, feet together, swing, because there is an imbalance associated with sensory ataxia, impaired proprioception of the limbs, ie signals that inform the cerebellum of muscle tone signals afferent.

After these beautiful disquisitions, that if I have a balance disorder?

Certainly a visit otolaryngologist if I feel my body swerve or see the home runs! Then a neurological examination and brain CT investigation to exclude stroke or vascular disease cerebri. And why not? A blood test to assess the sclerotic group (cholesterol, HDL and triglycerides), blood counts, if they are anemic, your blood sugar, so if there is diabetes. c


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