The irritable bowel syndrome
(Colitis, spastic colitis)
. Petty Pathophysiology of the syndrome, with apologies to the experts!
Functional bowel diseases are a group of disorders most frequently found in
colonic disease, and for their high incidence, constitute an extremely important
from a socio-economic, as stated keeping in mind that they are the most common
cause of consultation at the clinic specialist in gastroenterology (50-70% of
cases) is one of the main reasons for absenteeism from work in industrialized
countries. Are affected mainly people between 20 and 40 years, with slight
predominance of females, but their appearance is not exceptional in childhood.
Instead, they rarely occur after 50 years. The irritable colon and altered
intestinal motility or there is a disturbance of function of absorption and
secretion of the colon. The terms of "spastic colitis" or "colitis" is improper
because starebbero signifying the presence of an infection or inflammation of
the colon, but that is entirely absent, although there are recent studies that
relate this condition to a " inflammatory state "of the colon, but it would be
more correct to speak of" lymphocytic colitis ", but it is an entity of
relevance nosography dell'anatomopatologo.
Wishing to give a definition, we say that the gut has its own musculature is
contracted, that there is an activity propulsion distance and segmentation, the
first pushes the contents of the UME and the other slows it down, creating
concamerazioni. Normally in healthy subject, this motility is not perceived, is
coordinated and takes place in a time that goes from the mouth to the rectum
than 96 hours in general. Happens, however, that some individuals, either by an
increase in propagating waves that have a large amplitude and energy, you want a
particular sensitivity to gaseous distension of the viscera, feel pain of colic
type, that "comes and goes" , increases and decreases, and feel the curves "move",
apply to visceral symptoms and report to the doctor to feel inside as if they
had "a kind of washing machine (!)", meaning thereby the movement of the viscera
and the swelling from right to left iliac fossa, which is often painful and
spastic (string sign of colic). Symptoms may be caused by ingestion of food or
cold drinks and accompany borborigni, abdominal rumblings and noises. There
bloating extended to all the scope of colon or localized in one place. If you
prevail, therefore, the propulsive activity, the food is, well, more quickly
pushed through the intestines, causing gas, bloating and diarrhea. In other
cases, however, the opposite occurs and prevails segmentante activity, so that
the contents of the lumen, is dehydrated, the food passage slows, and stools
become hard and dry. The disorders of transit of intestinal contents are playing
different aspects: more or less painful constipation, alternating diarrhea and
constipation, diarrhea morning or after meals is not accompanied by painful
events, simple emission of filaments and ribbons of mucus. No one yet knows the
exact causes of irritable bowel syndrome. We know that the fundamental activity
of the colon, in normal conditions, is represented by the absorption of water
and the formation of semi-solid stool. In the colon two phenomena are important
for the formation of normal stool: 1) the absorption of water, sodium and
chlorine, and a moderate secretion of potassium, 2) the processes of
fermentation and putrefaction, produced by bacteria which constitute the normal
intestinal microbial flora. It is understandable, therefore, as an alteration of
these processes result in accelerated transit or with diarrhea or reduced
transit constipation with and without rotting or, finally, alternating
constipation and diarrhea for an ave the concomitant development of putrefactive
processes el ' irritating action of microorganisms. Other symptoms, finally,
have halitosis (fecaloide of breath odor in species diversity with constipation),
nausea, the vomiting, belching, anorexia, bloating, flatulence, headache,
dizziness, palpitations, migraine.
Etiological causes of S. irritable bowel.
· Alteration of nerves that control muscle contractions or the sensitivity of
the intestine
° Factor genes. If you S.I.I. family, eg. in parents, children may become ill,
so the twins
· Increased 5HT-producing cells. This release mediators that increase the
motility (IL s, NO, histamine, poteasi stimulation with cells of myenteric nerve
° linking sex hormone, progesterone slows motility: is more common in women,
they account for two thirds of people with this disease, the researchers believe
that hormonal changes play an important role. For many women, symptoms increase
during the menstrual periods.
· Events stressful. In any case, the stress can only aggravate the symptoms but
never caused any psychosomatic profile of this type of patient is of various
kinds. The patient S.I.I. is a meticulous obsessive maniac stool, hysterical
with a tendency to locate various types of pain, or depression, delusional
hypochondriacal, phobic often against cancer. What is certain is that if you
interrogate these patients can be seen as basic characteristic of a stress
condition. Many patients with irritable bowel syndrome are exchanged (and
operated) for individuals suffering from appendicitis ..
· Gastroenteritis in 7-32% of patients after an acute episode of diarrhea, (gastroenteritis)
can give rise to the Irritable Bowel.
· Antibiotics whose recruitment leads to destruction of normal bacterial flora
· Laxatives as well as some anti-diarrheal drugs can cause "irritation" of the
colon and contribute to the problem.
· Food intolerance, consumption of dairy products, sugar-free gum or candy,:
intolerance to sugar (lactose) in milk or sweetener sorbitol artificiale.In this
case we recommend to submit to breath tests to lactose
Who is affected by S.I.I.?
Not to confuse some signs that are typical of other major diseases, in 1998, a
multinational committee of experts in Rome, has created a suitable test to
accurately diagnose the irritable bowel syndrome.
ROME II Diagnostic Test:
The patient S.I.I. must have had:
· In the previous 12 months for at least 12 weeks (not necessarily consecutive)
of abdominal pain or discomfort with at least two of the following
Essential symptoms
Regresses evacuation
Onset associated with a change in frequency of bowel movements
Onset associated with a change in stool consistency
Additional symptoms
Altered bowel frequency (less than three weeks to three or more per day)
Altered stool consistency (hard / goat poltacee / liquid)
Evacuation disorders (stress, urge urgency, sensation of incomplete evacuation)
Presence of mucus in the stool.
Bloating or feeling of abdominal distension
It 'clear, therefore, that if major symptoms appear, warning signs, they are not
typical of irritable bowel syndrome:
Pain disturbing sleep
Diarrhea that awakens or interferes with sleep
Blood in stool (visible or occult)
Weight Loss
Abnormal physical examination
Investigations to be performed to rule out other diseases and diagnosis of IBS
Antigliadin antibodies, anti-endomysial and anti transglutaminase: This test
serves to check the presence (positive) AGA antibodies that indicate celiac
disease (gluten intolerance).
Breath test for the presence of Helicobacter pylori;
Small bowel barium radiography for the control of the small intestine. Can be
considered a troublesome question because the contrast is inserted via a tube
through his nose.
colonoscopy to exclude organic causes such as, for example, tumors or
ultrasound method to monitor location, size and morphology of internal organs.
stool sample, should check for the presence of harmful parasites and / or fungi
thyroid hormones, control the level of thyroid hormones for ecludere so any
tests for the detection of food intolerance, should be to establish the presence
of allergies and / or intolerances. It 'better to undergo tests I.B.A. (Surveys
bioematologiche foods) rather than the Vega test.
. In most cases you can successfully control the symptoms of irritable bowel
lighter learning to control stress and changing your diet and your lifestyle.
But if your symptoms are moderate or severe, you may need extra help.
For S.I.I. with constipation your doctor may suggest to enrich your diet with
fiber supplements such as psyllium or methylcellulose, or lactulose; so how can
prescribe anti-diarrheal drugs (OTC) derivatives such as loperamide (opioids!)
to fight diarrhea . In some cases, it may advise the anticholinergic or calcium
channel modulators that certain activities affecting the nervous system, relieve
painful bowel spasms. If your symptoms include pain and depression, instead of,
your doctor may recommend a tricyclic antidepressant drug or a selective
serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI). These medications help relieve depression
as well as inhibit the activity of neurons that control bowel. For diarrhea and
abdominal pain are listed tricyclic antidepressants such as imipramine and
amitriptyline. Side effects of these substances include, usually, insomnia,
nausea, dry mouth and constipation (sometimes, however, side effects may be
worse). The selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors such as fluoxetine (the
active ingredient of the famous Prozac) or paroxetine, in contrast, can help in
cases of depression, abdominal pain and constipation. Not always the SSRIs are
effective medicines.
Selective reuptake inhibitors which are commonly prescribed
personal notes from dr. Italiano Claudio
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>>>see also RICERCA