How to set a proper diet!

notes Dr. Claudio Italiano, internist

 A diet should not be improvised! If you are anorexic, please report immediately by a good internist or psychiatrist if you think you have an eating disorder not think you can heal yourself! Begin an unequal struggle with your body, that will lead to certain death. The first step you need to do is autodenunciarti and ask for a helping hand to yours.

First, let's say just what does the word diet. It 's a word that derives from the greek and means the conduct of life, as indeed the diet should be a modus vivendi, a kind of tailored suit that I wear with pleasure, knowing that my body will draw a benefit from it. If the diet is conducted to make me lose weight, such as a low-calorie diet in the 1200 Cal, then necessarily be supplemented by vitamins and minerals.
What are the preferred foods in a diet?

Foods are classified into groups, just 7 groups and the body needs them all, so, as I have already had occasion to say elsewhere (see serious diet), a diet is not clear from the gravure! It does not rely on just one food, such as ice cream or potatoes or meat. ! But it must be varied and provide all the nutrients in the right dosage, balanced and calibrated on the need for care that it is intended. (See the anorexic and cachectic patients who lose weight without stopping! Diet for gastritis and ulcers diet for acid reflux esophageal diet for constipation! Diet for diarrheal syndromes! Diets for irritable bowel syndrome! The Replacements for the diabetic diet food diabetic diet for hyperuricemia and its serious diet Diet Treatment with mineral waters, how?)

Food Group I: These are beef, calf, horse, sheep, lamb, pork, chicken, venison. Generally the meat is enough to eat three times a week, in moderate amounts, about 100-120 grams, possibly preferring meat alternatives, ie those that have a better nutritional value and provide less saturated fat and are low in all those drugs that are used in factory farms to "inflate" the steaks with serious harm to human health (I refer to estrogens, other hormones and antibiotics). Meat alternatives are: kid, chicken, turkey, pheasant, goose, rabbit, hare, duck, quail. These are preferred to the unsaturated fat content. The meat has a power plastic that is used for muscular structures of the body, the great wealth and the contribution of protein nitrogen into protein, and protein, which in turn are made up of many amino acids and also provide iron, which absorbs better if it is associated with the consumption of foods with vitamin C, such as lemon, the meat cooked, and oranges of Sicily.

This group includes the fish is frozen for those who may not have the luck to stay in Milazzo, like me, even where there is an export of fish from the Aeolian Islands, fish canned in oil, but is rarely suitable for diets, molluscs, cephalopods, namely the octopus and squid and cuttlefish. Still belong to the eggs.

Food Group II: cow's milk, preferably whole but also goes well skimmed or goat or sheep and its derivatives, taking into account that the cheeses, especially aged, have great power and energy are particularly indicated for children and the elderly, for calcium and osteoporosis and because it participates in the mechanisms of coagulation and nerve transmission. Calcium absorption still depends on the insolation, ie exposure to sunlight activates vitamin D.

Food group III are cereals and their derivatives, belong to the rice, pasta, bread, meal, wheat, corn, biscuits, crackers and even the potatoes that belong to the family of carbohydrates , of which the diabetic can not do without. Remember that potatoes have great nutritional value and calorie intake, most of the dough and therefore should be used in the elderly for their calorific value and the rapid uptake (eg the mashed potatoes in the elderly who can no longer chew , preferably accompanied by milk and coffee in the morning light. Carbohydrates are essential in the diet and are made from starch, a complex molecule, which in turn consists of many glucose molecules.

Food Group IV: are legumes, food superimportanti! Unfortunately no longer exist in our tables, wrongly. Indeed beans, lentils, beans, chickpeas, soybeans can not miss from the diet, for the great nutritional value and especially in diabetic patients because the digestion of beans and vegetables is always slow and so there are no surges in post-carbohydrate prandium, which we know are very dangerous (see the post-prandial blood sugar levels). These foods have a high nutritional value and can replace meat or fish and have a good content of lysine, but deficient in methionine and cystine (the amino acid hair). To allow a good digestion, the housewife of the past, including my elderly mother, cooked them for good, steady, and sometimes put the chickpeas to soak with baking soda, already serious before the firing. Today women run away from here and there, but if Sunday preparing a dish of peas or beans and keep them for the Monday or Wednesday, then make one thing very right for their children. See the concept of "Slow Food" (cf. day obesity, food pyramid The belly and flanks: The metabolic syndrome belly and hips = risk heart attack and stroke!)

Food Group V: are the fat and seasonings, butter, margarine, lard, oil and diols from sunflower, corn, peanuts. Now, unlike the crap you hear on TV, like that guy who says that the morning you can eat pounds of butter (sic), avoid fats, especially those satuti, while olive oil is preferred or best more corn oil on raw vegetables and food in general. The polyunsaturated fatty acids are essential for the body and are contained in oils and have beneficial effect on bad cholesterol (LDL) and raise levels of what is good or scavenger, HDL (see lipids). Are the precursors of polyunsaturated physiological substances such as thromboxanes, the prostacyclin, prostaglandins, oleic and linoleic acid and may have beneficial effects on fat metabolism and prevent disease atheroma physics (see Prevention of cardiovascular risk! Prevention of cardiovascular risk, treatment with statins and fibrates! prevention of cardiovascular risk: the atherosclerotic plaque and coronary artery stenosis).

Food Group VI belong to the vegetable and fruit bearing vitamin A, namely orange vegetables such as carrots, yellow squash, peppers, beets, broccoli, chicory, lettuce, radicchio , apricots, peaches, persimmon, melon yellow. In summer there are carotenes tan and protect the epithelia from the harmful sun. Vegetables are also important in fiber digestion in the intestine and make it easier combattonola defecation and constipation (see Constipation and diarrhea Diarrhea - Diarrhea physiopathology and pathogens Acute diarrhea and chronic diarrhea visiting the patient how treat, which drugs and what not! Constipation: how to determine and how to cure it. The defecation and constipation - The physiology of intestinal obstruction The belly full of air! The diverticula and diverticulitis, as a treat. Constipation in children)

Food Group VII: vegetables, tomatoes, peppers, Brussels sprouts, potatoes, sour fruits like lemons from Sicily, oranges, tangerines, strawberries, clementines, all rich in vitamin C. Vitamin C, also called ascorbic acid, exists in the form or reduced or oxidized and forms a redox system and plays important functions, such as collagen formation, which underlies the formation of blood vessels and cartilage of various joints. It has a protective function for infections

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