obesity,why a person is obese?


Obesity is the excessive development of adipose tissue in relation to total body mass, but not obese is an athlete with 20 pounds of muscle addoso! From here than self. M.C. of which we have said before in this Web Site to link diet (click here to see the diet) is necessary to measure the skin folds to determine the excess fat, skinfold.

Obesity,why a person is obese?

Obesity distinguish primary and a secondary for the first does not know the exact mechanisms that led to its decision, even if they suspect, to think of secondary causes of notes, Cushing's syndrome, hypothyroidism, insulinomas, Stein-Leventhal syndrome, some forms of diabetes mellitus, drugs, endocrine disorders hypothalamus.


Obesity secondary disease can occur in:

-Cushing's disease with central distribution dell'adipe, moon facies, striae skin red from ipercorticosurrelalismo;

-Hypothyroidism with obesity, impaired lipolysis, myxedema and tissue infiltration, water retention, lack of T3 and T4.

-Hypogonadism with hirsutism

-Frohlich syndrome, or adipose genital dystrophy;

Diabetes-Type II, with obesity


Obesity or Obesity primary key is divided into:

- Hyperplastic, ie proliferation of fat cells;

- Hypertrophy, ie number of normal cells but peppered with fat.

Now if the hyperplastic form, acquired in childhood by poor dietary habits during the first 2 years of life (parents oppressive protective ..) the success of the diet is limited to the hypertrophic, adult, type of facility (see below) Diet results are better.

Obesity essential, yet, is characterized by two classic dell'adipe distributions, which may favor the trunk in men and in women, the hips! They are so set the android type of obesity, a bunch of flowers, the belly, with waist / girofianchi> of 0.85 and obesity gynoid, down to the powder, thighs and hips, with waist to hip ratio <0.78.

The fact that the distribution of fat in the belly, between the abdominal viscera in man depends, in general, un'increzione insulin (see link on lipids and diabetes), hypertriglyceridemia, insulin resistance, and this still seems always related to male hormones, testosterone. therefore women are affected, they increased levels of free testosterone. Obesity essential, it would seem also to be associated with a change in the system noradrenergic control of thermogenesis, which reduces the norepinephrine and dopamine and 5 hydroxytryptamine or serotonin (click to see links on stress). So the obese may have a depressive component. The decline in adrenalin is the basis of failure to inhibit the sense of satiety, ie, "I just adrenergic tone, so I do not feel satisfied and I have to eat", remember that we met the adrenaline in the regulation of blood glucose during fasting extended, where permits the production of glucose via gluconeogenesis and glycolysis (see link on diabetes). The same is true for dopamine, the molecule from the pleasure of meso-cortico-limbic system. The decrease in dopamine inhibition explains the lack of a sense of hunger, so the sense of hunger is present in depressed patients, yet serotonin causes a stimulation of the sense of satiety, as if it is reduced in depressed, then it follows that the subject "does not you never feel satisfied, or satiated.

From here the Americans depressed that "offset" their lack of mood with chips, snacks, snacks, sweets. chocolate (that serotonin acts on rising!), as reported in scientific literature "carboydrate craving.


BASS ADRENALIN --------------> I do not feel satiated and have refrained

If you raise your adrenaline> WANT FOOD carbohydrate, WHY I'm hungry 'are not satisfied

LOSS OF Dopamine -------> not turned away my sense of hunger, I am pleased

If you raise dopamine -> I have had enough is satisfied.

LOSS serotonin ----> I do not feel satisfied And I'm depressed and nervous.

If you raise Serotonin-> I have had enough, I am relaxed, I am motivated, NOT LOOKING FOR SWEET.

The person who eats sweets, ultimately, does it unconsciously because it rewards as free insulin, absorb glucose, and promotes the intracellular transport of amino acids, then tryptophan, so this gets the synthesis of serotonin and therefore a natural increase of neurotransmitter involved on the regulation of mood. Indeed, the fact that a person takes fenfluramine causes an increase of serotonin which leads to a significant reduction in the acquisition of carbohydrates (sweets, chocolates, chips, popcorn). Moreover, in subjects with lowered tone of adrenaline is less important role of thermogenesis. It would seem to be less-specific dynamic action of food, ie thermogenesis induced by food, which rappresneta 10% of energy expenditure. Where there is a brown adipose tissue mitochondria (cell power plants of the cell, so to speak electric batteries?) Instead of having a breathing coupled to ATP production from ADP. you have the Uncoupling protein that determines the production of only heat and thus dissipating energy.


The power control is therefore very complex and there centers involved medial hypothalamus determines the satiety centers and lateral hypothalamus. The hypothalamus is the part of the central nervous system, located at the base of the brain that coordinates for connections between life autonomic and central nervous system itself (brain cortex, the seat of thought and expression), I explain why these correlations why a person under stress, eating disorder or has problems, eg., with the cycle (see women raped, prisoners, etc.)..

The correlations are complex and awkward to understand, say in summary that norepinephrine and serotonin are antithetical action, dopamine affects food consumption in relation to protein and fat and the anorectic amphetamine acting through the stimulation of dopamine D2 receptors reduction in the interest of food on the contrary it is well known to psychiatrists the effect of antipsychotics with anti-dopaminergic (eg chlorpromazine) which causes the desire to introduce fat and protein with weight gain.


-Diet (see link)

-Exercise, aerobic exercise, with muscle strain type saline (swimming, cycling, running, starting from 40 minutes to 95, after medical checks and HEART !!!!)


. Drugs are to be considered with due caution! Never start with drugs! Woe!

I would not treat them because I know that teenage anorexic we read on the Web!

We will say only that there are anorectic, that inhibit hunger, acting dopamine agonist. Are risky for side effects, some are verie drugs: Amphetamine. injury anxiety, tachycardia, vomiting, dry mouth, palpitations, increased blood pressure.


Others have serotonin-agonist action: fenfluramine, with sedative, euphoric, antidepressant, do not stop abruptly for that reason. Results in a smaller sense of hunger and satiety more.

-Drugs that activate energy expenditure: eg. thyroid hormones, given only as replacement therapy nell'ipotiroideo, that trigger the action with mitochondrial uncoupling thermogenic effect. Risk of thyrotoxicosis, thyroid hormone secretion that is that global systemic actions on the heart, respiratory, CNS, often dangerous (arrhythmias, stroke, anxiety, insomnia, palpitations etc.).

-Diuretics: risky, use more psychopathological adolescent anorexic!! Risk of potassium depletion, electrolyte imbalance.

. Phenformin, because it prevents the absorption of carbohydrates.

BEFORE YOU DO ALWAYS CONSULT YOUR DOCTOR Fesser, AS YOU CAN FEEL TO KNOW, REMEMBER: "Ignorance is 'PRINCIPLE OF WISDOM" because' you know you know, Socrates said.

>>>see first page

>>>see also RICERCA