Come per le altre pagine che potete vedere in questo sito troverete qui solo 
una lista di links a pagine che sono comunemente disponibili sul Web.
La ragione di questa pagina è solo quella di semplificare le vostre ricerche di
recensioni per i Pda che vorreste comprare o che volete consultare per qualche
altro motivo. Quando è possibile potrete integrare le informazioni trovate qui,
scaricando se disponibili, i manuali, per completare i dati per la vostra scelta.
Ciascun PDA può presentare una o più recensioni.

Le reviews qui linkate non rappresentano la volontà dell'autore di considerare i siti relativi
come i migliori o i soli esistenti. Alcuni sono qui citati perchè offrono recensioni per molti 
pdas e questo può facilitare la comparazione dei dispositivi da un punto di vista uniforme.
Altri sono citati perche riportano ampi dettagli, foto o benchmarks comparativi. Voi potete
trovare altre reviews effettuando ulteriori personali ricerche sul Web.

p 230       pdagold   pdafrance                        mobile4you  
moboDA 3360   digitalreview     pocketpcitalia                   

n30         pdagold    
n10         pdagold             
n35         pdagold 
n50         pdagold   PPCitalia (it)

a730        pdagold   pocketmatrix     tomshardware   mobile-review   pdafrance PPCthoughts
a716        pdagold   brighthand	   pdabuyerguide  mobile-review
a620bt      pdagold   ocworkbench                     mobile-review   
a620                                   pdabuyerguide  
p505                                                  mobile-review    pocketil    
a636                                                  mobile-review   mobinaute theregister 

P50       hardwarezone 
th55       brighthand                  pdabuyerguide  mobile-review    pdafrance
ux40/50                                pdabuyerguide  
tj37       brighthand                  pdabuyerguide  mobile-review                  
tj27                                   pdabuyerguide  mobile-review

3970                                   pdabuyerguide        

x51v                    bargainpda      ppcthoughts     brighthand      pocketnow
x50v       pdagold      brighthand     pdabuyerguide  mobile-review1-2  pocketnow  
           aximsite     bargainpda     
x50mid                                                                                                                                aximsite
x30        pdagold      brighthand       pocketnow                       aximsite              
x3i        pdagold      brighthand                    mobile-review      aximsite 
x3                                     pdabuyerguide                          
x5         pdagold  

p 300                                  pdabuyerguide                                                        
m500       pdagold      PPCitalia      Trendsmobile   mobile-review   mobiletechreview 
m500(Torq P100)           Geek 
m500(Everex E900)       PPCDubai 
m600                     SPhone          msmobiles      ppctoughts    mobiletechreview

Loox 410/420      pdagold     pdafrance              
Loox 600          pdagold
Loox 610          pdagold     FirstLoox    mobile-review
Loox 720          pdagold  pocketpcthought mobile-review  teutonico(it) tekguru   FirstLoox 
Loox 710                                   mobile-review  
Loox N520         pdagold                  mobile-review  SoloPalmari 

ique 3600         brighthand pdabyerguide
ique M5           brighthand    msnbc                       bargainpda   davespda

hx2790/5                       pocketinfo                                davesipaq 
hx2490                      mobiletechreview   
rx1950            pdagold   mobiletechreview solopalmari    davesipaq      pcmag 
                 bargainpda  pocketpcitalia 
hw6515            pdagold    infosyncworld mobile-review    universPPC   PPCitalia ppcreview 
            (fr) mobinaute  mobiletechreview                             pocketnow
hx4700            pdagold    pdabuyerguide   brighthand    Tomhardware   pocketnow  ipaqhq                 
rx3715            pdagold    pdabuyerguide   pdaFrance      bargainpda   pocketnow    
rx3115                       pdabuyerguide               pocketpccentral
rz1715           brighthand  pdabuyerguide mobile-review    bargainpda  
hx2750             pcmag     pdabuyerguide mobile-review  infosyncworld  pocketnow
hx2410                                     mobile-review
hx2110                                     mobile-review
h6315/40          pdagold    pdabuyerguide  mobileminds   pdabuyerguide   
               mobile-review   ppctools       geekzone      bargainpda  
h4150/55          pdagold    pdabuyerguide   brighthand    
h2210/15          pdagold    pdabuyerguide                  bargainpda    
h1940/45          pdagold    pdabuyerguide  
h1910/15         brighthand  pdabuyerguide  mobile-review     
h5550/55          pdagold    pdabuyerguide                  bargainpda 
h5450/55                     pdabuyerguide  mobile-review                    

O2 xDAII          pdagold    pdabuyerguide               
                  (venduto da altri anche come iMate, Qtek 2020 and MDA II.) 
QTek 9090         theregister  geekzone1    mobile-review   Geekzone
                  (chiamato anche da altri  xDAIII and MDA III.)
QTek S100         pdagold   mobinaute   pocketnow  mobile-review 1-2  pdafrance  Mozongo   
                  pdagold   PPCitalia (it)         mobiletechreview      
                  (chiamato anche Magician and Jam.)
iMate PDA2k       pocketpcdubai         pocketnow                    
                  (alias HTC BlueAngel o QTek9090, xDAIII, MDA III,i-Mate PDA2K.)
T.Mobile MDA III  infosync   
QTek 2020i        robertmoir    mobinaute   mobile-review     
Universal         pdagold 1-2   PPCthoughts   ppcdubai   SoloPalmari  pdafrance 
(JASJAR/Qtek9000)  ppcitalia    msmobilenews(xda exec)
release 200       pocketnow  mobiletechreview  mobile-review  gadgeteer  SoloPalmari  
release 100         ppcsg 
Apache            mobiletechreview  geekzone 
Galaxy            Mobinaute   pocketpcitalia 
(Qtek G100)
Prophet                                        mobile-review 
(Qtek S200)   

MDPPC250+GPS      Mobile4you                 theregister
MDPPC100          pdafrance  (fr)

mio339            pdagold                    mobile-review
mio558            pdagold                    mobile-review (Rover P7)
mio168            pdatoday    pdabuyerguide   PPCThoughts   
mio A201                                     mobile-review

MPX               infosyncworld  mobinaute     mobileburn   (MAI COMMERCIALIZZATO)

PiN               geekzone     pocketpctought  
PiN 570           ppcitalia           

Communicator 9300         mobileburn        mobile-review1-2  
Communicator 9500     allaboutsymbian 1-2  
770 Internet Tablet       howardchui

Zire 21           brighthand   pdabuyerguide    mobile-review
Zire 31           brighthand   pdabuyerguide    mobile-review
Zire 71           brighthand   pdabuyerguide                         
Zire 72           brighthand   pdabuyerguide                                
Tungsten T        brighthand   pdabuyerguide    mobile-review
Tungsten T2       brighthand   pdabuyerguide                         
Tungsten T3       brighthand   pdabuyerguide                             
Tungsten E        brighthand   pdabuyerguide                               
Tungsten E2                   mobiletechreview  mobile-review               bargainpda
Tungsten C        brighthand   pdabuyerguide                         
Tungsten W        brighthand   pdabuyerguide                               
T5                brighthand   pdabuyerguide    mobile-review               bargainpda                                                  
Treo 600                       pdabuyerguide                               
Treo 650          brighthand                                     mozongo              
LifeDrive         brighthand  mobiletechreview  mobile-review   davespda    bargainpda  
TX                  morse     mobiletechreview    pdafrance  palminfocenter bargainpda                       
Z22                           mobiletechreview               palminfocenter bargainpda

i700              brighthand  pdabuyerguide 
i730              mobiletracker  mobiletechreview

e830              geekzone                      Transvoilà         
e800/805          pdagold     pdabuyerguide                  
e400/405          pdagold     pdabuyerguide     brighthand                   
e740/750          pdagold     pdabuyerguide   
e330                          pdabuyerguide                              

v35                           pdabuyerguide
v36                           pdabuyerguide        

Omikron           pdagold    
Delta 300(GPS)    pdagold