// apre finestra popup con file var clPopPop = null // handle for the pop window function Pop(szPop,szPWidth,szPHeight) { //riceve file, larghezza, altezza var szFile var szWidth = szPWidth var szHeight = szPHeight // compone stringa parametri finestra var szWinFeatures = "scrollbars=yes" szWinFeatures += ",width=" szWinFeatures += szWidth szWinFeatures += ",height=" szWinFeatures += szHeight var szErrMsg = "\nIl Vostro Browser non e' stato in grado di aprire un'altra finestra " szErrMsg += "\nper visualizzare il documento richiesto. Vi preghiamo di chiudere" szErrMsg += "\ntutte le finestre inutilizzate del browser , e riprovare." if (szPop) szFile = szPop // open with a given file else szFile = "/def_pop.htm" // by default, open the Default Pop file // Netscape Navigator allows only 100 windows at a time // use the existing one to avoid exceeding the limit if (clPopPop) { if (!clPopPop.closed) // if Pop window not closed clPopPop.location.href = szFile else clPopPop = window.open(szFile, 'Pop', szWinFeatures) } else clPopPop = window.open(szFile, 'Pop', szWinFeatures) // check if new window failed to open if (clPopPop) clPopPop.focus() else alert(szErrMsg) }

Priority Accessibility Error - Manual Check Needed Priority Accessibility Error - Manual Check NeededPriority Accessibility Error - Manual Check NeededPriority Accessibility Error - Manual Check Needed
Priority Accessibility Error - Manual Check NeededPriority Accessibility Error - Manual Check NeededStemma della Repubblica

Priority Accessibility Error - Manual Check NeededPriority Accessibility Error - Manual Check NeededMinistero della Difesa

Priority Accessibility Error - Manual Check NeededPriority Accessibility Error - Manual Check NeededStemma della Repubblica

Priority Accessibility Error - Manual Check NeededPriority Accessibility ErrorPriority Accessibility Error - Manual Check Needed

Priority Accessibility Error - Manual Check Needed Priority Accessibility Error - Manual Check Needed var dayarray=new Array("Domenica","Lunedì","Martedì","Mercoledì","Giovedì","Venerdì","Sabato") var montharray=new Array("Gennaio","Febbraio","Marzo","Aprile","Maggio","Giugno","Luglio","Agosto","Settembre","Ottobre","Novembre","Dicembre") function getthedate(){ var mydate=new Date() var year=mydate.getYear() if (year < 1000) MINUTES="mydate.getMinutes()" +DAYM (DAYM<10) DAYM="0" (HOURS SECONDS="mydate.getSeconds()" MONTH="mydate.getMonth()" HOURS="mydate.getHours()" VAR YEAR+="1900" DN="AM" IF DAY="mydate.getDay()">=12) dn="PM" if (hours>12){ hours=hours-12 } if (hours==0) hours=12 if (minutes <=9) (DOCUMENT.ALL) } SETINTERVAL("GETTHEDATE()",1000) DOCUMENT.WRITE(CDATE) " +" VAR CDATE=" " FONT "+DAYM+" +MINUTES CHANGE DOCUMENT.ALL.CLOCK.INNERHTML="cdate" "+MONTHARRAY[MONTH]+" GOFORIT(){ "+ SIZE SECONDS="0" (!DOCUMENT.ALL) HERE

Il MinistroI sottosegretariStruttura del MinisteroCapo Di Stato Maggiore della DifesaS.M.D.C.O.I.

Il Segratario di Stato della DifesaSGD/DNADirezioni GeneraliGiustizia Militare
EsercitoMarina MilitareAeronautica MilitareCarabinieriSala StampaApprofondimenti e dossiersMappaContattiLinkCerca nel Sito Il MinistroI SottosegretariGiustizia MilitareEsercitoAeronautica MilitareCarabinieriSala StampaCentro Alti StudiStato Maggiore della DifesaC.O.I.Struttura del MinisteroMarina MilitareApprofondimenti e dossier

Presentazione Libro Bianco della Difesa 2002

Roma 27 marzo 2002

Foto relativa a: Il Ministro della Difesa On. Prof. Antonio MARTINO alla commemorazione della strage di Salussola

Il Ministro della Difesa, On. Prof. Antonio Martino, ha presentato a Roma il 27 marzo, a Palazzo Barberini, il Libro Bianco della Difesa 2002. Erano presenti i Sottosegretari di Stato alla Difesa, i Presidenti delle Commissioni Difesa del Senato e della Camera dei Deputati, il Capo di Stato Maggiore della Difesa, i Capi di Stato Maggiore delle Forze Armate, il Comandante Generale dell'Arma dei Carabinieri. L'idea di realizzare il volume nasce dalla precisa volont del Governo di fare il punto sulla situazione attuale delle Forze Armate e, pi in generale, dell'intero settore della Difesa. Sono trascorsi ben sedici anni dalla pubblicazione dell'ultimo Libro Bianco, voluto dall'allora Ministro della Difesa Spadolini; nel frattempo il quadro geopolitico profondamente cambiato e, con esso, le tendenze nel campo della sicurezza e le responsabilit dell'Italia nel contesto internazionale. Lo scopo del Libro Bianco quello di rendere edotti il Parlamento e l'opinione pubblica sull'effettiva situaz ione delle Forze Armate, allo scopo di stimolare l'avvio dei provvedimenti destinati a completare il cammino gi intrapreso per dotare il nostro Paese di uno strumento militare moderno ed efficiente, capace di inserirsi adeguatamente negli schieramenti internazionali alla pari con gli eserciti delle Nazioni alleate.

Intervento del Ministro
Il servizio fotografico

Audizione del Ministro della Difesa alla Commissione Difesa della Camera dei Deputati

Roma, 19 marzo 2002

Nota aggiuntiva
allo stato di previsione
per la Difesa
per l'anno 2002

Nota aggiuntiva allo stato di previsione per la Difesa per l'anno 2002

Disposizioni per disciplinare la trasformazione progressiva dello strumento militare in professionale

Decreto legislativo
8 Maggio 2001 N.215

Militari in missione
di pace all'estero.
per le famiglie



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    About this report

    Not Bobby AAA ApprovedThis page does not yet meet the requirements for Bobby AAA Approved status. To be Bobby AAA Approved, a page must pass all of the Priority 1,2 and 3 accessibility checkpoints established in W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0. For more information on the report, please read "How to Read the Bobby Report".

    Priority 1 Accessibility

    This page does not meet the requirements for Bobby A Approved status. Below is a list of 1 Priority 1 accessibility error(s) found:

    1. Provide alternative text for all images. (1 instance)
      Line 76

    Priority 1 User Checks

    User checks are triggered by something specific on the page; however, you need to determine whether they apply. Bobby A Approval requires that none of them apply to your page. Please review these 4 item(s):

    1. If style sheets are ignored or unsupported, are pages still readable and usable?

    2. Provide alternative content for each SCRIPT that conveys important information or functionality.

    3. If you use color to convey information, make sure the information is also represented another way. (10 instances)
      Lines 66, 68, 69, 70, 72, 75, 76, 80, 81
    4. If an image conveys important information beyond what is in its alternative text, provide an extended description. (4 instances)
      Lines 68, 70, 72, 76

    The following 3 item(s) are not triggered by any specific feature on your page, but are still important for accessibility and are required for Bobby A Approved status.

    1. Identify any changes in the document's language.

    2. If you can't make a page accessible, construct an alternate accessible version.

    3. Use the simplest and most straightforward language that is possible.

    Priority 2 Accessibility

    This page does not meet the requirements for Bobby AA Approved status. Below is a list of 2 Priority 2 accessibility error(s) found:

    1. Use relative sizing and positioning (% values) rather than absolute (pixels). (8 instances)
      Lines 66, 68, 69, 72, 75, 80, 81
    2. Use a public text identifier in a DOCTYPE statement. (1 instance)
      Line 1

    Priority 2 User Checks

    User checks are triggered by something specific on the page; however, you need to determine whether they apply. Bobby AA Approval requires that none of them apply to your page. Please review these 7 item(s):

    1. Use style sheets to control layout and presentation wherever possible.

    2. Is the user made aware that there will be pop-up windows or changes in the active window? (14 instances)
      Lines 151, 154, 157, 160, 163, 166, 169, 175, 181, 187, 291, 343, 367, 371-379
    3. Avoid use of obsolete language features if possible. (6 instances)
      Lines 65, 68, 72, 76, 80, 81
    4. If scripts create pop-up windows or change the active window, make sure that the user is aware this is happening. (2 instances)
      Lines 13, 83
    5. Check that the foreground and background colors contrast sufficiently with each other. (11 instances)
      Lines 63, 66, 68, 69, 70, 72, 75, 76, 80, 81
    6. Mark up any quotations with the Q and BLOCKQUOTE elements.

    7. If this gif image is animated, make sure it does not contain fast or distracting motion. (4 instances)
      Lines 68, 70, 72, 76

    The following 7 item(s) are not triggered by any specific feature on your page, but are still important for accessibility and are required for Bobby AA Approved status.

    1. Make sure that all link phrases make sense when read out of context.

    2. Is there a site map or table of contents, a description of the general layout of the site, the access features used, and how to use them?

    3. Make sure your document validates to formal published grammars.

    4. Group related elements when possible.

    5. Is there a clear, consistent navigation structure?

    6. Use the latest technology specification available whenever possible.

    7. Where it's possible to mark up content (for example mathematical equations) instead of using images, use a markup language (such as MathML).

    Priority 3 Accessibility

    This page does not meet the requirements for Bobby AAA Approved status. Below is a list of 1 Priority 3 accessibility error(s) found:

    1. Identify the language of the text. (1 instance)
      Line 1

    Priority 3 User Checks

    User checks are triggered by something specific on the page; however, you need to determine whether they apply. Bobby AAA Approval requires that none of them apply to your page. Please review these 5 item(s):

    1. Consider specifying a logical tab order among form controls, links and objects.

    2. Use the ABBR and ACRONYM elements to denote and expand any abbreviations and acronyms that are present.

    3. If you have grouped links, is there a link at the beginning to bypass the group?

    4. If there are logical groups of links, have they been identified?

    5. Consider adding keyboard shortcuts to frequently used links.

    The following 5 item(s) are not triggered by any specific feature on your page, but are still important for accessibility and are required for Bobby AAA Approved status.

    1. Is there distinguishing information at the beginning of headings, paragraphs, lists, etc.?

    2. If there is a search feature, are there different types of searches for different skill levels and preferences?

    3. Are there navigation bars for easy access to the navigation structure?

    4. Do you allow users to customize their experience of the web page?

    5. Is there a consistent style of presentation between pages?

    © Copyright 1996-2001, CAST, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Use of this software is subject to the CAST Software License Agreement. Send feedback to bobbyww@cast.org. Additional information available at the Bobby Home Page.