4.01 Transitional
» inserted instead. The document will not be Valid
until you alter the source file to reflect this new DOCTYPE.
Below are the results of attempting to parse this document with an SGML parser.
Please note that you have chosen one or more options that alter the content of the document before validation, or have not provided enough information to accurately validate the document. Even if no errors are reported below, the document will not be valid until you manually make the changes we have performed automatically. Specifically, if you used some of the options that override a property of the document (e.g. the DOCTYPE or Character Encoding), you must make the same change to the source document or the server setup before it can be valid. You will also need to insert an appropriate DOCTYPE Declaration or Character Encoding (the "charset" parameter for the Content-Type HTTP header) if any of those are missing.
<SCRIPT language="JavaScript" src="/js/data.js"></SCRIPT>
Error: required attribute "TYPE" not specified
Error: required attribute "TYPE" not specified
... 0000" bgColor="#ffffff" leftMargin="0" topMargin="0" marginh ...
Error: there is no attribute "LEFTMARGIN" for this element (in this HTML version)
... "#ffffff" leftMargin="0" topMargin="0" marginheight="0" marg ...
Error: there is no attribute "TOPMARGIN" for this element (in this HTML version)
... ffffff" leftMargin="0" topMargin="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0"> ...
Error: there is no attribute "MARGINHEIGHT" for this element (in this HTML version)
... in="0" topMargin="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0">
Error: there is no attribute "MARGINWIDTH" for this element (in this HTML version)
<TABLE background="/images/tile_up.gif" cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="0 ...
Error: there is no attribute "BACKGROUND" for this element (in this HTML version)
... n="bottom" width="437" background="/images/tile_up_blu.gif" ...
Error: there is no attribute "BACKGROUND" for this element (in this HTML version)
... s/logoscuola.gif" border="0" usemap="#logoscuola"><MAP NAME="logoscuo ...
Error: required attribute "ALT" not specified
... HAPE=RECT COORDS="218,23,268,54" HREF="/eds.shtml"></MAP></TD>
Error: required attribute "ALT" not specified
... /filo_cerca.gif" width="770" height="1" border="0"></TD>
Error: required attribute "ALT" not specified
... "0" src="/images/cerca.gif" border="0" name="imageField" ali ...
Error: duplicate specification of attribute "BORDER"
Error: end tag for "FORM" omitted; possible causes include a missing end tag, improper nesting of elements, or use of an element where it is not allowed
<FORM name="searchform" action="javascript:cerca();" method="get" ...
Error: start tag was here
<TR bgColor="#ffffff" height="5">
Error: there is no attribute "HEIGHT" for this element (in this HTML version)
Error: end tag for "TABLE" omitted; possible causes include a missing end tag, improper nesting of elements, or use of an element where it is not allowed
<TABLE cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="0" width="147" border= ...
Error: start tag was here
... <li style="color: #C41000;"></li><A target="_top" hr ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
... <li style="color: #C41000;"><A target="_top" href="/ ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
... <li style="color: #C41000;"><A target="_top" href="h ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
... <li style="color: #C41000;"><A target="_top" href="/ ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
... <li style="color: #C41000;"><A target="_top" href="/ ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
... <li style="color: #C41000;"><A target="_top" href="/ ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
... <li style="color: #C41000;"><A target="_top" href="/ar ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
... <li style="color: #C41000;"><A target="_top" href="/argoment ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
... <li style="color: #C41000;"><A target="_top" href="/ ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
... <li style="color: #C41000;"><A target="_top" href="/ ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
... <li style="color: #C41000;"><A target="_top" href="/ ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
... <li style="color: #C41000;"><A target="_top" href="/ ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
... <li style="color: #C41000;"><A target="_top" href="/ar ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
... <li style="color: #C41000;"><A target="_top" href="/mob ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
... <li style="color: #C41000;"><A target="_top" href="/reclutam ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
... <li style="color: #C41000;"><A target="_top" href="/ar ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
... <li style="color: #C41000;"><A target="_top" href="/mp ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
... <li style="color: #C41000;"><A target="_top" href="/ar ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
... <li style="color: #C41000;"><A target="_top" href="/ar ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
... <li style="color: #C41000;"><A target="_top" href="/ar ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
... <li style="color: #C41000;"><A target="_top" href="/ar ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
... <li style="color: #C41000;"><A target="_top" href="/pi ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
... <li style="color: #C41000;"><A target="_top" href="/fo ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
Error: end tag for element "FORM" which is not open; try removing the end tag or check for improper nesting of elements
<TD width="5"> </TD>
Error: element "TD" not allowed here; check which elements this element may be contained within
<TD class="areeHome" width="427">
Error: element "TD" not allowed here; check which elements this element may be contained within
<li><A href="/statigenerali/index.shtml">Il viaggio del dialogo</ ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
<li><a href="/statigenerali/bertagna.shtml">Documenti Commissione</a> ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
<li><A href="/news/2002/prot483_02.shtml">Elenco graduatorie esau ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
<li><A href="/reclutamento/reclutamento.shtml">Aggiornamento e integ ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
<li><a href="/news/2001/contratto_integrativo_01.shtml">Contratto ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
<li><A href="/news/2001/dir143_01.shtml">Obiettivi e linee di interven ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
<li><a href="news/2002/soggetti_accreditati.shtml">Accreditamento e</a ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
<li><a href="/news/2001/prot5672_01.shtml">Attività motorie</a> ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
<li><A href="/news/2002/censimento_02.shtml">Censimento a scuola< ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
<li><A href="/news/2001/prot19970_01.shtml">Premio Label Europeo< ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
<li><A href="/news/2001/altrimondi.shtml">"Vita nell'Universo"</A ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
<li><A href="/news/2001/miur_rai01.shtml">Giornale radio < ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
<li><A href="/news/2001/cm111_01.shtml">Libri</A>
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
<li><A href="/news/2001/avvioas.shtml">Note e atti normativi</A>< ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
<li><A href="/news/2001/supplenzedocenti_01.shtml">Supplenze brev ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
<li><A href="/news/2001/sele_comandi.shtml">Comandi e utilizzazio ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
<li><A href="/news/2001/avvioas.shtml">Avvio a.s. 2001/02</A>
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
<li><A href="/dirigenti/index.shtml">Sicurezza nelle scuole</A>
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
<li><A href="/innovazione_scuola/amministrazione/nuovo_bilancio/defaul ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
<li><A href="/dirigenti/index.shtml">Finanziamenti</A>
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
<li><A href="/personale_ata/index.shtml#det">Assunzioni a tempo</A><br ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
<li><A href="/personale_ata/index.shtml#form">Formazione</A>
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
<li><A href="/news/2001/prot628_01.shtml">Funzioni aggiuntive</A>
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
<li><A href="/mpi/amministrazione/dgpersonale/formazione/amministrativ ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
<li><A href="/innovazione_scuola/amministrazione/nuovo_bilancio/defaul ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
<li><A href="/argomenti/studentionline/default.htm">Studenti on l ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
<li><a href="">Università</a ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
<li><A href="/studenti/musei.shtml">Musei e biblioteche</A>
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
<li><A href="/studenti/ambiente.shtml">Ambiente e volontariato</A>
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
<li><A href="/news/2001/prot631_01_gab.shtml">Adempimento obbligo</ ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
<li><A href="/news/2001/gt_01.shtml">GT Ragazzi</A>
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
<li><a href="argomenti/esamedistato/quadro/provv_2002.htm">Esame di St ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
<li><A href="/innovazione_scuola/default.htm">Tecnologia e didatt ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
<li><A href="/innovazione_scuola/default.htm">Tecnol ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
<li><A href="/innovazione_scuola/amministrazione/nuovo_bilancio/d ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
<li><A href="/innovazione_scuola/amministrazione/servizi/default_ ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
... cli.shtml"><IMG src="/images/cicli.jpg" border="0"></a></TD></TR>
Error: required attribute "ALT" not specified
<li><A href="/news/2002/disegno_cicli.shtml">Articola ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
<li>Il <A href="/news/2002/disegno_cicli.shtml">grafico</a> del p ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
<li><A href="/mpi/ministro/c_ministro_interventi.shtml">Gli inter ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
<li><A href="/mpi/ministro/ministro_programma.shtml"> ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
<li><A href="/mpi/ministro/nuove_cariche.shtml">Il Ministro</a></ ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
... ati/2002/carta_diritti.shtml"><B><p>La Carta europea dei dir ...
Error: element "P" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
<li><A href="/statigenerali/index.shtml">Il viaggio del dialogo</ ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
<br><li><a href="/statigenerali/bertagna.shtml">Documenti Commiss ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
<li><A href="/euro/editoriale/default.htm" target="_b ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
<li><A href="/euro/web_istruzione/documenti.shtml">Documenti</a>< ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
<li><A href="/euro/web_istruzione/concorsi.shtml">Concorsi</a></l ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
<li><A href="/euro/mappa/default.htm" target="_blank">Contenuti</ ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
<li><A href="/euro/web_istruzione/arriva.shtml">Arriva l'Euro</a> ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
<li><A href="/euro/web_istruzione/date.shtml">Le date dell'Euro</ ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
<li><A href="/euro/web_istruzione/adulti.shtml">Gli adulti e l'Eu ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
<li><A href="/euro/web_istruzione/settimana.shtml">Settimana dell ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
<li><A href="/euro/web_istruzione/curiosita.shtml">....Alcune cur ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
<li><a href="/euro/web_istruzione/allegati/">Buongior ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
<li><a href="/scuola_e_famiglia/presentazione.shtml">ordinamenti: ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
... cuola_e_famiglia/index.shtml"><b><p>Iscrizioni</p></b></a>
Error: element "P" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
<li><a href="/scuola_e_famiglia/calendario.shtml">il calendario scol ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
<li><a href="/scuola_e_famiglia/libritesto.shtml#checosa">che cosa s ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
<li><a href="/scuola_e_famiglia/libritesto.shtml#consultazione">fase ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
<li><a href="/scuola_e_famiglia/libritesto.shtml#adozione">adozione< ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
<li><a href="/scuola_e_famiglia/libritesto.shtml#prezzi">prezzi</a>< ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
<li><a href="/scuola_e_famiglia/norme.shtml">quadro normativo </a></ ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
<p><a href="/scuola_e_famiglia/index.shtml#organi"> ...
Error: element "P" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
<TD width="11"> </TD>
Error: element "TD" not allowed here; check which elements this element may be contained within
<TD width="150">
Error: element "TD" not allowed here; check which elements this element may be contained within
... <P align="center"><SCRIPT language="JavaScript">document.write(prin ...
Error: required attribute "TYPE" not specified
Error: required attribute "TYPE" not specified
... <area shape="poly"area alt="Liguria" coords="11,80,16,81,2 ...
Error: "AREA" is not a member of a group specified for any attribute
<IMG src="/images/italy.gif" useMap="#italia" border="0">
Error: required attribute "ALT" not specified
... <li style="color: #C41000;"><A href="/altrisiti/linkprovv ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
... <li style="color: #C41000;"><A href="/altrisiti/linkirrsa ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
... <li style="color: #C41000;"><A href="http://www.japhos ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
... <li style="color: #C41000;"><A href="http://www.educat ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
... <li style="color: #C41000;"><A href="http://www.trecca ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
... <li style="color: #C41000;"><A href="/altrisiti/interm ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
... <li style="color: #C41000;"><A href="/altrisiti/linkst ...
Error: element "LI" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element
Error: end tag for element "TR" which is not open; try removing the end tag or check for improper nesting of elements
Error: end tag for element "TABLE" which is not open; try removing the end tag or check for improper nesting of elements
Sorry, this document does not validate as HTML 4.01 Transitional.
If you use CSS in your document, you should also check it for validity using the W3C CSS Validation Service.
Below is the source input I used for this validation:
1: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> 2: <HTML> 3: 4: <HEAD> 5: <TITLE>Ministero dell'Istruzione</TITLE> 6: <LINK href="/css/main.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"> 7: <SCRIPT language="JavaScript" src="/js/data.js"></SCRIPT> 8: 9: <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> 10: function cerca() { 11: var scope = document.searchform.scope.value; 12: //var scope = document.scope.value; 13: if (scope.length < 3) 14: { 15: alert ("Inserire almeno 3 caratteri nel testo da cercare."); 16: document.searchform.nome.focus(); 17: } 18: else 19: { 20: var lung = scope.length; 21: var vocale = scope.substring(lung-1,lung); 22: if ((vocale == 'a') || (vocale == 'e') || (vocale == 'i') || (vocale == 'o') || (vocale == 'u') || (vocale == '.')) 23: document.searchform.scope.value = scope + '*'; 24: else 25: document.searchform.scope.value = scope; 26: var url=""; 27: url = url + document.searchform.scope.value; 28: url = url + "&nome="; 29: url = url + document.searchform.nome.value; 30: url = url + "&search-category=ROOT&browse-category=&ui=sr&chunk-size=10&page=1&taxonomy=Compass-srvsearch"; 31: location = url; 32: } 33: } 34: 35: function controlla() { 36: var scope = document.searchform.nome.value; 37: if (scope.length < 3) 38: { 39: alert('Inserire almeno 3 caratteri nel testo da cercare.'); 40: return false; 41: } 42: else 43: { 44: var lung = scope.length; 45: var vocale = scope.substring(lung-1,lung); 46: if ((vocale == 'a') || (vocale == 'e') || (vocale == 'i') || (vocale == 'o') || (vocale == 'u') || (vocale == '.')) 47: document.searchform.scope.value = scope + '*'; 48: else 49: document.searchform.scope.value = scope; 50: return true; 51: } 52: } 53: 54: function MM_jumpMenu(targ,selObj,restore){ //v3.0 55: eval(targ+".location='"+selObj.options[selObj.selectedIndex].value+"'"); 56: if (restore) selObj.selectedIndex=0; 57: } 58: 59: </SCRIPT> 60: </HEAD> 61: 62: <!-- <BODY onload="'popup.htm', '', 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height="19" align="left" class="footer"> 81: <A target="_top" href="/mpi/amministrazione/amminiscol.shtml">MINISTERO</A> 82: </TD> 83: <TD width="196" align="center" class="footer"> 84: <A target="_top" href="/mpi/help/scrivici.shtml">SCRIVICI</a> 85: </TD> 86: 87: <TD width="231" align="center" class="footer"> 88: <A target="_top" href="/mpi/pubblicazioni/index.shtml">PUBBLICAZIONI</a> 89: </TD> 90: 91: <TD width="197" align="center" class="footer"> 92: <A target="_top" href="/forum_passaggio.shtml">FORUM</a> 93: </TD> 94: 95: <TD width="192" align="right" class="footer"> 96: <A target="_top" href="/mpi/accessi/accessi.htm">ACCESSI</a> 97: </TD> 98: <TD width="18"> </TD> 99: </TR> 100: <TR> 101: <TD colspan="7"><img src="/images/filo_cerca.gif" width="770" height="1" border="0"></TD> 102: </TR> 103: </TABLE> 104: <!-- FINE INDEX TOP --> 105: 106: 107: <!-- TABELLA di CONTENUTO --> 108: <TABLE cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="0" width="770" border="0"> 109: <TR vAlign="top"> 110: <TD 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