4.01 Transitional
» inserted instead. The document will not be Valid
until you alter the source file to reflect this new DOCTYPE. Below are the results of attempting to parse this document with an SGML parser.
Please note that you have chosen one or more options that alter the content of the document before validation, or have not provided enough information to accurately validate the document. Even if no errors are reported below, the document will not be valid until you manually make the changes we have performed automatically. Specifically, if you used some of the options that override a property of the document (e.g. the DOCTYPE or Character Encoding), you must make the same change to the source document or the server setup before it can be valid. You will also need to insert an appropriate DOCTYPE Declaration or Character Encoding (the "charset" parameter for the Content-Type HTTP header) if any of those are missing.
<frameset framespacing="0" border="0" rows="80,*" frameborder="0">
Error: there is no attribute "FRAMESPACING" for this element (in this HTML version)
<frameset framespacing="0" border="0" rows="80,*" frameborder="0">
Error: there is no attribute "BORDER" for this element (in this HTML version)
<frameset framespacing="0" border="0" rows="80,*" frameborder="0">
Error: there is no attribute "ROWS" for this element (in this HTML version)
<frameset framespacing="0" border="0" rows="80,*" frameborder="0">
Error: there is no attribute "FRAMEBORDER" for this element (in this HTML version)
<frameset framespacing="0" border="0" rows="80,*" frameborder="0">
Error: element "FRAMESET" not defined in this HTML version
<frame name="intestazione" scrolling="no" noresize target="principal ...
Error: there is no attribute "NAME" for this element (in this HTML version)
... rame name="intestazione" scrolling="no" noresize target="pri ...
Error: there is no attribute "SCROLLING" for this element (in this HTML version)
... estazione" scrolling="no" noresize target="principale" src=" ...
Error: "NORESIZE" is not a member of a group specified for any attribute
... ne" scrolling="no" noresize target="principale" src="top.htm ...
Error: there is no attribute "TARGET" for this element (in this HTML version)
... " scrolling="no" noresize target="principale" src="top.htm">
Error: there is no attribute "SRC" for this element (in this HTML version)
... ng="no" noresize target="principale" src="top.htm">
Error: element "FRAME" not defined in this HTML version
<frame name="contenuto" src="mainx.htm" scrolling="auto">
Error: element "FRAME" not defined in this HTML version
Error: element "BODY" not allowed here; check which elements this element may be contained within
Error: end tag for "FRAME" omitted; possible causes include a missing end tag, improper nesting of elements, or use of an element where it is not allowed
<frame name="contenuto" src="mainx.htm" scrolling="auto">
Error: start tag was here
Error: end tag for "FRAME" omitted; possible causes include a missing end tag, improper nesting of elements, or use of an element where it is not allowed
<frame name="intestazione" scrolling="no" noresize target="principal ...
Error: start tag was here
Error: missing a required sub-element of "HTML"
Sorry, this document does not validate as HTML 4.01 Transitional.
If you use CSS in your document, you should also check it for validity using the W3C CSS Validation Service.
Below is the source input I used for this validation:
1: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> 2: <html> 3: 4: <head> 5: <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"> 6: <title>MiPAF - Ministero delle Politiche Agricole e Forestali</title> 7: <meta NAME="keywords" CONTENT="Pubblica amministrazione, Agricoltura, MiPAF, Foreste, Agroalimentare, Alimentare, Pesca, Meteorologia, Normativa, Banche Dati, Statistiche, Comunicati Stampa"> 8: <meta NAME="description" CONTENT="Home Page del Ministero per le Politiche Agricole e Forestali - MiPAF"> 9: 10: 11: </head> 12: 13: <frameset framespacing="0" border="0" rows="80,*" frameborder="0"> 14: <frame name="intestazione" scrolling="no" noresize target="principale" src="top.htm"> 15: <frame name="contenuto" src="mainx.htm" scrolling="auto"> 16: <noframes> 17: <body> 18: 19: <p>La pagina corrente utilizza i frame. Questa caratteristica non è 20: supportata dal browser in uso.</p> 21: 22: </body> 23: </noframes> 24: </frameset> 25: 26: </html>