W3C HTML Validation Service Results

Last Modified: Fri Mar 15 09:54:58 2002
Server: Microsoft-IIS/5.0
Content Length: 8017
Detected Character Encoding: iso-8859-1
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Current Doctype: HTML 4.01 Transitional
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Options: Show Source Outline Parse Tree ...no attributes


Below are the results of attempting to parse this document with an SGML parser.

Please note that you have chosen one or more options that alter the content of the document before validation, or have not provided enough information to accurately validate the document. Even if no errors are reported below, the document will not be valid until you manually make the changes we have performed automatically. Specifically, if you used some of the options that override a property of the document (e.g. the DOCTYPE or Character Encoding), you must make the same change to the source document or the server setup before it can be valid. You will also need to insert an appropriate DOCTYPE Declaration or Character Encoding (the "charset" parameter for the Content-Type HTTP header) if any of those are missing.

Sorry, this document does not validate as HTML 4.01 Transitional.

If you use CSS in your document, you should also check it for validity using the W3C CSS Validation Service.

Source Listing

Below is the source input I used for this validation:

   1: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
   2: <html>
   3: <head>
   4: <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
   5: <title>Ministero della Salute - Home page</title>
   6: </head>
   7: <body bgcolor="#ffffff" link="#0000ff" vlink="#800080" topmargin="4" background="/Sanita/Images/sfondo.jpg" leftmargin="2" marginwidth="2">
   8: <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="4">
   9:   <tr> 
  10:     <td valign="center"><IMG height=51 src="/sanita/images/t_min_lg.gif" width=345 border=0></td>
  11:     <td valign="center"><A onclick="popup(1,'/sanita/popup_salute.htm')" href="#"><IMG height=51 src="/Sanita/Images/txt_legge.gif" width=206 border=0></a></td>
  12:   </tr>
  13: </table>
  15: <br>
  16: <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">
  17:   <tr> 
  18:     <td valign="top" rowspan="5" width="1%" align="middle"> 
  19:       <p><a href="http://www.ministerosalute.it"  target="_new"><IMG height=266 alt="Visita il nuovo portale del Ministero della Salute" src  ="/sanita/images/logo_min.gif" width=146 border=0 ></a> 
  20:       <p><a href="http://www.governo.it" target="_blank"><br>
  21:         <IMG height=60  alt="Per abbonarsi alla Newsletter" src ="/sanita/Images/banner_governo.gif" width=120 border=0 ></a></p>
  23:     </td>
  24:     <td valign="top" align="left"> 
  25:       <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" width="100%">
  26:         <tr> 
  27:           <td width="1%"><IMG height=122 src="/sanita/Images/n_h_5voc.gif" width=362 useMap=#mappaserviziMap border=0> 
  28:             <map name="mappaserviziMap"> 
  29:               <area shape="RECT" coords="169,74,230,92" href="/sanita/ricerca.htm">
  30:               <area shape="RECT" coords="256,92,319,109" href="/sanita/contatti.htm">
  31:               <area shape="RECT" coords="221,6,338,24" href="/sanita/servizi.htm">
  32:               <area shape="RECT" coords="128,33,253,55" href="/sanita/organizz.htm">
  33:               <area shape="RECT" coords="285,55,346,74" href="/sanita/link.htm">
  34:             </map>
  35:           </td>
  36:           <td width="99%"> 
  37:             <div align="center"><A href="/sanita/comunicati_stampa"><IMG height=45 alt="Comunicati Stampa" src="/sanita/images/new_comun_stampa.gif" width =120 border=0 ></a></div>
  38:           </td>
  39:         </tr>
  40:       </table>
  41:     </td>
  42:   </tr>
  44:   <tr> 
  45:     <td valign="top" align="left"> 
  46:       <div align="left"> 
  47:         <div align="right"><IMG height=18 src="/Sanita/Images/txt_in_evidenza.gif" width=340></div>
  48:       </div>
  49:     </td>
  50:   </tr>
  51:   <tr> 
  52:     <td valign="top" align="left"> 
  53:       <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0" width="100%">
  54:         <tr> 
  55:           <td> 
  56:             <div align="center"><a href="../NAS/default.htm"><img src="/Sanita/Images/New_nas.gif" width="193" height="68" alt="N.A.S." border="0"></a></div>
  57:           </td>
  58:           <td> 
  59:             <div align="center"><A href="/sanita/Malinf/RISCHI/Comunicati/noteinf.htm"><IMG height=52 alt="Eventi inattesi - Agenti biologici e chimici" src  ="/Sanita/Images/New_agentbio.gif" width=206 border=0 ></a><br>
  60:               <A href="/sanita/Malinf/RISCHI/antrace/antrace.asp"><IMG height=20 alt="Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale di Foggia - Risultati delle analisi su materiale potenzialmente contaminato da spore di antrace" src  ="/Sanita/Images/New_foggia.gif" width=206 border=0 ></a> 
  61:             </div>
  62:           </td>
  63:           <td> 
  64:             <div align="center"><A href="/sanita/Disabili/default.asp"><IMG height=71 alt="Commissione per le politiche sanitarie in materia di disabilità" src  ="/sanita/Images/new_disabili.gif" width=236 border=0 ></a></div>
  65:           </td>
  66:         </tr>
  67:         <tr> 
  68:           <td>&nbsp;</td>
  69:           <td>&nbsp;</td>
  70:           <td>&nbsp;</td>
  71:         </tr>
  72:         <tr> 
  73:           <td> 
  74:             <div align="center">
  75:             <DIV align=center><A href="http://ecm.sanita.it"><IMG height=69 
  76:             alt="Educazione Continua in Medicina" 
  77:             src="/Sanita/Images/new_ecm.gif" width=138 
  78:           border=0></A></DIV></div>
  79:           </td>
  80:           <td> 
  81:             <div align="center"><A href="/Sanita/aids/"><IMG height=83 alt="AIDS - Abbiamo Intenzione Di Sconfiggerlo" src  ="/Sanita/Images/new_aids.gif" width=85 border=0 ></a></div>
  82:           </td>
  83:           <td align="middle" valign="center"> 
  84:             <div align="center"> 
  85:               <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
  86:                 <tr> 
  87:                   <td align="middle"><A href="/sanita/bse/"><IMG height=53 alt="BSE - Encefalopatia Spongiforme Bovina" src  ="/Sanita/Images/bse_07_02.gif" width=166 border=0 ></a></td>
  88:                 </tr>
  89:                 <tr> 
  90:                   <td align="middle"><A href="/sanita/bse/"><IMG height=43 alt="BSE - Encefalopatia Spongiforme Bovina" src  ="/Sanita/Images/num_verde.gif" width=105 border=0 ></a></td>
  91:                 </tr>
  92:               </table>
  93:             </div>
  94:           </td>
  95:        </tr>
  96:         <tr> 
  97:           <td>&nbsp;</td>
  98:           <td>&nbsp;</td>
  99:           <td>&nbsp;</td>
 100:         </tr>
 101:       </table>
 102:     </td>
 103:   </tr>
 104:   <tr> 
 105:     <td valign="top" align="middle"> 
 106:       <table width="95%" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0">
 107:         <tr> 
 108:           <td> 
 109:             <p><strong>Benvenuti!</strong></p>
 110:           </td>
 111:         </tr>
 112:         <tr> 
 113:           <td valign="top"> 
 114:             <p>Lo scopo principale del Sito è quello di raccogliere una serie 
 115:               di <A href="/sanita/servizi.htm">Servizi in linea</a> offerti dal 
 116:               Ministero nell'ambito del <A href="/sanita/sis.htm">Sistema Informativo 
 117:               Sanitario</a>, alcuni dei quali già conosciuti dagli utenti, perché 
 118:               esistenti da tempo in rete. </p>
 119:             <p>Inoltre, il Sito fornisce informazioni generali sull'<A href="/sanita/organizz.htm">organizzazione</a> 
 120:               del Ministero nonché il collegamento ad <A href="/sanita/link.htm">altri 
 121:               siti</a> presenti su Internet. Non mancano, infine, i necessari 
 122:               strumenti di colloquio utili a garantire i <A href="/sanita/contatti.htm">contatti</a> 
 123:               tra utenti e responsabili del Sito e l'essenziale <A href="/sanita/ricerca.htm">motore 
 124:               di ricerca</a> che permette di trovare agevolmente le informazioni 
 125:               di interesse.</p>
 126:           </td>
 127:         </tr>
 128:       </table>
 129:       <br>
 130:       <IMG height=10 src="/sanita/Images/interlin.gif" width=466> 
 131:       <div align="center"> 
 132:         <center>
 133:           <table border="0">
 134:             <tr> 
 135:               <td align="middle"><font size="-1">Sito a cura del Ministero della 
 136:                 Salute</font></td>
 137:             </tr>
 138:             <tr> 
 139:               <td align="middle"><font size="-1">Sistema Informativo Sanitario</font> 
 140:                 <script language="Javascript">
 141: <!-- Beginning of JavaScript Applet -------------------
 142:   var popup_window = null;
 143:   function popup(status,url) {
 144:      if(status != 0) {
 145:         if(popup != null) popup.focus(); 
 146:         else { 
 147:            var popup =  open(url, "Popup","width=250,height=250");
 148:            popup_window = popup;
 149:         }
 150:      } else {
 151:         if(popup_window != null) popup_window.close();
 152:      }
 153:   }
 154: // -- End of JavaScript code -------------- -->
 155: </script>
 156:               </td>
 157:             </tr>
 158:           </table>
 159:         </center>
 160:       </div>
 161:       <div align="center"> 
 162:         <center>
 163:           <table>
 164:             <tr> 
 165:               <td align="middle"><font size="-1">In collaborazione con</font></td>
 166:               <td valign="bottom"><A onclick="popup(1,'/sanita/finsiel.htm')" href="#"><IMG height=20 alt="Finsiel S.p.A." src="/sanita/images/logofins.gif" width=60 border=0 ></a></td>
 167:             </tr>
 168:           </table>
 169:         </center>
 170:       </div>
 171:     </td>
 172:   </tr>
 173: </table>
 174: <p><IMG src="/Cgi-bin/sanita/counts.exe?link=Sanita&amp;style=a&amp;show=no&amp;increase=1&amp;loghost=ON&amp;ref="></p>
 175: </body>
 176: </html>
Valid HTML 4.01! Gerald Oskoboiny
Last modified: Date: 2001/09/14 04:13:13