a small collection of antique silver and objects of vertu
snuff box
niello (from latin nigellum) is a tecnique wich consists in filling silver engraving with a special amalgam of silver, lead, copper and sulphur, obtaining decoration of different shades depending on sulphur percentage.
This niello snuff box is decorated with engraved and niello blackened ornaments, on the face fold the image of a Russian palace, on the reverse fold foliage ornaments,
The box has Russian hallmarks for Moscow 1891, SN maker's mark and RV tester's mark (in Cyrillic) and 84 for purity degree (in zolotnik).
The snuff (or tobacco) box measures 2 in. (cm. 5) x 1 1/ in. (cm. 4) and was bought from an US dealer through internet