In this section I store all updates to this site, to help frequent visitors find what's new on Hounds Online.



25th May 2002

At last! Issue # 13 is finished. Fan club members only will be able to dowload it in a few days.





10th April 2002

In the NEWS section you can find the official statement and all the details about the come back of Al Pitrelli and the departure of Jack Frost.




8th April 2002

News! UNOFFICIAL sources informed that, after Megadeth's dissolution, ex guitarist Al Pitrelli has come back in Sava-land! New guitarist Jack Frost has been fired and he seems to be quite angry...



31th January 2002

Hounds On-Line has been updated... at last! My name is Paolo and I am the new webmaster of Hounds On Line. I decided to modify some stuff together with the update of the news anf tourdates, hope you like it!

Mentally Yours

10th march 2001

The link to a very interesting Jon Oliva interview was added on the mainpage along with the music of Morphine Child and the Poets and Madmen FAQs! :) A few new pictures too and a brief welcome message to the new bandmembers featuring information about them. Have a look and welcome Jack and Damond to the Sava-family!

5th march 2001

Poets and Madmen is here! read the review! More news and updates are coming soon, pictures and review of the Italian release party will be added shortly!

25th January 2001

Today I finished this new version of the site that you are seeing now! I hope you'll enjoy it, I did my best to keep it simple to browse (I added frames so that you'll always know where you are and how to get where you want immedately) and in the meantime I tried to keep it quick to upload (I hate when I'm stuck in a page and have to wait for 10 minutes till it uploads completely:.. ough!!!). Hope you'll like it, and if you encounter any problems or have suggestions for further improvements, you're always welcome! As I was developing this new web I also had a few ideas to make it more interesting and added a few features. First off, there are Savatage e-cards you can send your friends thru the web, cheer up somebody's day with a Savatage card! :) Furthermore, I added a message board, I don't know how many people will be posting and if it may need improvements or a different layout in the future; so far, I just made it a simple one and then we'll see! Share your thougth in our forum! Last but not least I thought of the "neewbies", you know, those who have only recently discovered Savatage and still know little about the band. This website is not only for the eldest die-hard fans who know everything about the 'Tage already, and I realized checking the fans profile that you post that many of our visitors are new fans who maybe would appreciate knowing something about the band's history. Now the band's biography can be found in the proper section. I considered publishing the famous, wonderful piece written by Matthias Breusch on Rock Hard, but it's pretty long and anyway can be found on http://www.savatage.com/ in English and on http://www.savatage.net/ in German.... therefore I just tried to write something myself, shorter but detailed at the same time. That's it, enjoy new Hounds Online & keep rocking!


20th January 2001

Happy 2001! There's news about P&M, you have a look at the cover and check out the storyline! Besides, the news and links section was updated, hang in there we'll soon know more about the new album!

12th November 2000

News, news and more news! Al and Zak left the band, Poets and Madmen is ready and will be on the shlves soon, the next Savatage tour is being schduled and TSO dates in the US were announced with a surspising "cloned" Orchestra! Find out more in our news section.

6th May 2000

Hi there Hounds-surfers! There's a brand new feature on our website: from today you can get your own personal mailbox on Hounds On Line! It's 100% free, it takes just a couple of minutes to activate your account, it's personal and safe, and you can login from Hounds On Line, but you can also bookmark the login page or make it your homepage! So if you need a mailbox, get your account at Houndsmail!


1st May 2000

It's Labors Weekend in Italy and ... I'm working anyway! There are many news, good and bad. First off, Al has officially left the band. Read details in the NEWS section. The new TSO was releasedon April 11 and a copy is here in my hands (it sounds AWESOME!) while the reviews is here for everyone to read! There's a new link and a new picture to see, while new bootlegs and pictures will soon be available. Stay tuned and visit our site again in a few weeks for more details! 



18th December 1999

Hounds Newsletter #1 was sent to all those who submitted their entries, and the first prizes were raffled and sent to winners... enjoy it! In case you haven't signed up for it, yet, hurry up!
Today I added a new image on the mainpage, that was sent to Hounds by a talented French Savafan, Michael. Thanks a lot, man! You rule!! Besides, a few new pictures I got from Hounds achieve were added to the relevant section, and in a few days I'm traveling to Rome for Hounds staff meeting ... we have big surprises in store for you! In the meantime, Hounds wish you all a merry Christmas & all the best for the new millenium!

13th November 1999
Marta spent this weekend locked up inside her room and became one with her computer (hmmm... too much fun for just one person...!), and the result is what you see: a new mainpage with the first background midifiles (more coming soon) and thanks to the help of Rob, now we have a regular free  newsletter that anyone can receive, with lots of updated news and the possibility of winning awesome prizes! Just click on the link above and sign up for it! I added the first PICTURES, the fanzine NEW ISSUE, that English-speaking members will receive in a few weeks, featuring an amazing INTERVIEW WITH PAUL O'NEILL, that reveals he's a really funny, down-to-the-ground man (can't miss the funny stories he tells about life on tour and in studio with the band!!), as well as deeply educated, smart and conscious. Don't miss the INTERVIEW WITH METALIUM, Chris tells us about the project, the album, the concept story and after that take a look at MADNESS CORNER, where Rob treats us to his rendition of what he calls "a neat choice in life" (MADNESS REIGNS!!)
There are tons of new links to cool sites that deserve all a visit, and then... did you know that Hounds has an OFFICIAL LIVE COLLECTION, featuring rare live tracks and unreleased songs? It's free for all members, buy anyone can have a copy... COME GET IT NOW!

4th October 1999
Unfortunately I have very little time to write these days... my excuse to all of you! A few updates can be found in the News section. Above all I added the reviews of 2 events that can be safely defined the most important Savatage-related events this year: the review of Savacon '99 *courtesy of Clay Marshall and Stephanie Kushner* and review of the Cologne gig that I personally was lucky enough to see in August... read and meditate!

9th August 1999
There are several updates for you to check! First of all, hop to the News section and don't miss the only chance you have to see Savatage live in Europe this year! In the section "Reviews" you can find our opinion about Metalium's debut album (Chris Caffery's side project, in case you didn't know) and you can also download Metalium's screensaver (veeeeeery epic!!) and enjoy an old interview we had with Jon Oliva back in '96 talking about Doctor Butcher, another interview with Al Pitrelli back in the same year when he just joined Savatage, and another one with Jeff Plate!


27th June 1999
Sorry it took so long to update the site! I added a few more funny portraits in the COMICS page, a new crazy story on the MADNESS CORNER, and finally HOUNDS' STAFF section is complete... why not go take a look at our faces ?!

 13 May 1999
I added a new article in the Lost Articles section, it's an interview with DESTINY'S END who quote Savatage as one of their main influences.

 10 April 1999
I added the Madness Corner page and something new on the Comics section. This page will be updated once every month, and will contain Savatage related stuff that couldn't find place anywhere else on this site: trivia, weird drawings and shorts-stories... check it out!

7 April 1999
The Links page is online! Check it out and discover more Sava-related sites!
The list will be growing longer soon...

2 April 1999
I added this page, the European Tour 1998 Review on the Reviews page and the Fan-Identikit. I hope you all can take the time to fill out the form and help me make this site bigger, better and more & more interesting with your stories.

26 March 1999
Hounds is finally online! Thanks to a lot of hard work and help of the whole Hounds staff, we made it! There are still a lot of things that need to be fixed and bettered, but at least there's something...! I hope you have fun and enjoy this site and that we can make our homepage better and bigger with a little time &... a little help from all our Hounds friends!
Thanks for visiting Hounds Online and don't forget to sign our guestbook!