Kamenjak - Rab Island - Croatia

1'57" video on youtube!

Where: top of Kamenjak hill on Rab Island, 400 masl, JN74JS

When: September 2005

Bands used: VHF 50W

Antenna: 4 el. short yagi by DK7ZB

Open to: approx. North to South through West. The rest obstructed by taller mountains.

DX: 589 km

Facilities: few to none. You need to bring the equipment to erect the antenna. There is no vegetation on top for shade and/or antenna support.

Access: take the road that connects Rab-Misnjak road to Lopar. At the first 90 degree turn to the left take the small road to the right. There are signs for Kamenjak and a restaurant (the sign is not visible when coming from Lopar!). Just drive to the top. The road is narrow but with relatively good pavement (cement): drive carefully.

Comments: I expected the location to be more favorable for VHF contesting. Being in the middle of a scarsely inhabited area you miss contacts in the 1-200 km range. Had troubles to work S5 and other 9A stations (beaming somewhere else?). Perhaps propagation did not help much and wrong timing (Saturday afternoon). In Italian, a short discussion on Usenet.

GSM coverage: satisfactory.

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Locator map of Rab Island. Please note that JN74kr is misplaced and should be one square lower.

View from the operating location to the top. Approx N-NE.

The car and the Yagi on top.

© Paolo Cravero IK1ZYW

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