Language Structures - Part 3: Building Blocks / 1

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So far, clauses have been analysed by broadly identifying their main components. Their core was found to include subject, predicate and (after transitive predicates) object. In "Around the Core" we labelled everything else complement.

It was cursorily noted that such components are assembled from building blocks named "prepositions", "nouns", "adjectives", "verbs", "adverbs". Prepositions were furthermore discussed in some detail in the preceding section #2.2. The forthcoming review shall consider in succession:

  • the Noun Bundle building blocks, that is:

    1. Nouns
    2. Determiners, which in turn consist of:
      • Articles
      • Possessives
      • Demonstratives
      • Numbers
    3. Adjectives

  • Pronouns
  • Verbs
  • Adverbs
  • Conjunctions
  • Miscellaneous building blocks

Logic is to clarify the purpose of each building block, and grammar states how they are shaped and combined together in English as compared to other European languages.

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