Songs about Alphabet






Phonic Songs






Ascolta il midi delle canzoni

Per scaricarlo clicca con il destro e scegli "Salva oggetto con nome"

ABC song


Ascolta il midi della canzone

Per scaricarlo clicca con il destro e scegli

"Salva oggetto con nome"


















      A       Top   


Ants on the apple
a, a, a
Ants on the apple
a, a, a
Ants on the apple
a, a, a
"a" is the sound of "A"







   B        Top    


Balls are bouncing
b, b, b

Balls are bouncing
b, b, b

Balls are bouncing
b, b, b
"b" is the sound of "B"






   C       Top   


Caterpillar coughing
c, c, c

Caterpillar coughing
c, c, c

Caterpillar coughing
c, c, c
"c" is the sound of "C"






  D        Top    


Dolls are dancing
d, d, d
Dolls are dancing
d, d, d
Dolls are dancing
d, d, d
"d" is the sound of "D"








  E        Top    


Elegant elephant
e, e, e
Elegant elephant
e, e, e
Elegant elephant
e, e, e
"e" is the sound of "E"









  ABC song       Top   


A - B - C - D - E - F - G


H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P


Q - R - S - T - U and V,


W - X - Y and Z


Now I know my A - B - C's


Next time won't you sing with me?