Who created and updates this site?
Who created and updates this site?
What are its aims?
What about sponsors and maintenance costs?
On which server is it located and why?
Is it possible to send suggestions and comments to improve it?
What criteria do you use to decide whether to include a link?
Is it possible to suggest a site for inclusion?
Why does this site have reduced graphics and very limited use of Java and Javascript?
Why doesn't this site have frames?
Is this site designed for a particular browser or resolution?
Is this site protected by copyright?
What are its aims?
What about sponsors and maintenance costs?
On which server is it located and why?
Is it possible to send suggestions and comments to improve it?
What criteria do you use to decide whether to include a link?
Is it possible to suggest a site for inclusion?
Why does this site have reduced graphics and very limited use of Java and Javascript?
Why this site is without frames?
Is this site designed for a particular browser or resolution?
Is this site protected by copyright?
I personally created and update these pages in my spare time. I find the links, review them and write the HTML code. But I have to thanks many of you for suggesting new links, new sections or topics of interest and informing me about wrong or bad links. Without your help I could not keep these pages always up-to-date.
1. To offer a complete and up-to-date list of all useful MTB-related sites on the Internet.
2. To create new pages covering topics not present on the Internet.
3. To share my opinion and experience on MTB with all the MTB fans in world.
4. To help widen the diffusion and the passion for this wonderful sport.
This page is only for MTB passion not to make money. Of course it costs money, for the web space, the search and review of new links and the upload of new versions. I pay this costs by myself, I have no support and no sponsors. Maybe in the future I could try to find a sponsor offering a banner, but in any case this page is and will remain totally non-driven by MTB magazines, manufacturers or anyone else.
The web space provider is Eskimo North, Seattle, U.S.A. I made a search over the Internet and they turned out to be the cheapest also because I chose really the basic option (Telnet upload, UNIX command-line consolle, no sophisticated access statistics, limited extensions). If the site should turn out too slow, please let me know.
Of course! Every comment or suggestion is highly appreciated! I even created a specific page for that. I can guarantee that all messages will be read and will be answered (but allow two-three weeks or more if the question is complex or requires investigation).
Every site is carefully visited and evaluated. The main rule is to choose a site if it can offer interesting information to most of the MTB fans, so very informative sites containing detailed and broad information will be given priority. To satisfy most of the visitors I also try to keep a certain balance in the different sections, even though this is not always possible. I tend to pospone the inclusion of sites that are mostly under construction to avoid waste of time to my visitors. I do NOT include sites which are ONLY advertising a product without offering technical information, my page is not a marketplace. Obviously all sites not connected to MTB will not be included (so you won't find road bike-only sites). These rules are not carved in stone, so if you have comments, please let me know.
Of course, it already happens very often. All suggested sites will be visited and scheduled for inclusion if they comply with the above criteria (see the previous question). Please consider that I have a long list of sites so it can take one or two months before I check your link. Please, also remember that suggesting a link does not automatically means that it will be included. I thank you very much for all link suggestions!
I am convinced that a site like mine must give information, that's its basic goal. And for the kind of information I offer plain text could even be enough. Of course graphics and look are desirable, but not so important. We are bothered every day by graphic-heavy sites that have no real information content and make you spend your money and your time (and you cannot gain time!) for nothing. Moreover my site is slow in itself if accessed from many European locations and the cost of Internet connection is a problem for many people (never forget this page is for all people around the world not for the US only). Add to this that most home Internet connections are still dial-up and therefore rather slow. I think visitors of my page agree with this basic philosophy; of course any comment or suggestion will be greatly appreciated.
Frames, if correctly used, are very useful for example to leave a menu always visible. But if you consider the reduced desktop area, further reduced by the many toolbars of modern browsers and the main resolution still of 800x600, I preferred to use the complete desktop area. Of course this will change in the future, but, again, my actual main concern is to give valuable information to visitors, so frames are not a top priority.
It is designed for a resolution of 800 x 600 but can be seen at a higher resolution as well. At lower resolution such as 640 x 480 menu items alignments are not correct, but the page still works perfectly. It is tested using Netscape 3.04 but should work fine on any browser because it does not use any browser-specific feature. If you should experiment problems, please let me know.
Of course! Every original site is autoamtically protected by copyright. No part of this site cna be copied or reproduced in any way without my written consent. If you are interested just drop me a line.