TOSSet 2 Test

All diagramms show a frequency range from 30 Hz up to 20 kHz. The inserted signal was a 1 kHz sine which is visible as a wonderful peak.

The first test was a pure loopback of the SPDIF signal via a 10 metre TOSlink-cable.

The noise-underground is lower than -95 dB everytime which is excellent (just compare it to the manual of your MiniDisc or DAT recorder ;-) often their specifications are not this good).

In the second test a Sony MDS-JE520 was used: it got the signal out of the computer via the TOSSet and replayed it.

This test shows how big the quality loses at MiniDisc recordings are. The 1 kHz signal is also sharp. If you compare it to the loopback you will see how the ATRAC 4.5 CODER replays the noise-underground.

A final test using a portable Sharp MiniDisc recorder (Sharp MD-MS200H) with uses ATRAC 5 coding. The recording used the Sharp device via TOSlink-cable (TOSlink->Miniplug), the replay device was the Sony used in the previous test.

The difference between ATRAC 5 (portable Sharp) and ATRAC 4.5 (Sony) is very clear to observe.

Ok, these pictures do not claim to be absolutely right; at least they show that you can make bit-clear recordings using the TOSSet...

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