O is one of the true heavyweights of the Gundam
universe, being one of the most powerful and most
heavy-armoured mobile suits of U.C.. The PMX-003 is
one of the few prototypes designed and produced by
Paptimus Scirocco, the final adversary of Camille
Vidan in the Z Gundam series, on board of his
starship Jupitoris. It is also his personal mobile
suit. Besides its heavy armour, the O has a
psychommu system to go with the newtype abilities
of its pilot, a pair of extra limbs and a
super-powerful beam rifle. A nasty critter all
And it's a nasty critter to build, too! But in the
end a smartly designed and funny to do one! This
model is an industrial garage kit, meaning that it
has been produced in small quantities using
industrial procedures and some materials usually
used for homemade kits, such as soft vinyl. The O
is a full-action model, so the amount of plastic
parts in comparison to vinyl ones is quite large,
creating a kind of skeleton made of hard stuff,
that gives more resistance and grip for the
movements of all the limbs, with the very large and
highly detailed soft vinyl parts often used to
cover the plastic parts. Soft vinyl is a strange
material that poses new problems to the modeller.
It is soft and elastic (so it deforms itself
easily), it's heavier than plastic, it melts and
lose its shape quite easily with very little heat,
it doesn't melt with any glue (so use
cyanoachrilate for these models), it has little to
no grip with most paints and has weird chemical
reactions with some of them. In the industry it is
used mainly for statues, figurines and the
occasional garage kit.