- The head of J model is much better proportioned
and sculpted than the original one, so I used that
one for this model. The torso of this Zaku is very
big and the J's head fits just right without any
size modifications. I opened the visor and replaced
it with some transparent plastic, after
painting the inside black, using a small piece of
white plastic to simulate the eye, fixed inside the
head at about 1 mm from the transparent windscreen.
After that I reshaped the beak in front of the head
to house the newly constructed tube connections,
which contain additional air filters. I don't use
very often springs to simulate the mobile suits
tubes; I think that they don't simulate the
multi-elemented flexible tubes any better than the
not flexible ones present in the kits. I prefer to
use springs in this fashion only when I am
compelled to, as in the Hizack model, or to
mobilize some parts. I completed the head drilling
two holes for the machine guns barrels and placing
the antennae of the original model in their place,
enlarging and reshaping a little the sensor opening
under the main antenna. I maintained the neck joint
of the MS-06J model, which gives the head enough