as salse, maccalube, salinelle mean the hidroclays emission in the Paterṇ and
Belpasso town council. We can suppose that such as phenomena link up the Etna
activity with the last markes of a remote vulcanic activity actually
rappresented by the Paterṇ’s vulcan.The superficial emission arise from phisicist phenomena
(conduction and convection) relating dephttable-water warmed by a magma intrusion in a cooling phase.The decrement of density (caused by heating and by the
addition of magma origined volatiles) and the pression of the overhanging
impermeable thickness support water-bearing to go up again along structural and
stratigraphic discontinuity.
(low temperatur) and chemical (high salinity) caracteristics of waters make us
suppose there can be depht water circuits very long and slow as well as
dilutions with cold superficial-low saline tenor water-tables.Clays sediments, eroded during fluid go up again and
ammassing on the surface, produced a lot of mud vulcans of different size
yielding a very suggestive appearance to the territory.