
In this site you can search all songs texts, download Midi file, Mixer MP3... and, if you are a Webmaster you can take my banner and send your for e-mail. Certainly i will put it in a page of this site. Please, if you want say anything, leave a message in the Guestbook and later i read them. Now, I wish to you a nice navigation....

By Music Generation STAFF

» Addition the section of Dance song lyrics..
» Download desktop wallpaper
» All album lyrics of: Jovanotti, S.E. Bextor, Shakyra, Ska-p, Will Smith, Articolo 31 and Kylie Minogue..
» Download MIXER mp3: you can mix your favourite songs.
» Enter in MIDI section, where you can download any songs...
» Leave your opinion in our GUESTBOOK.

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