Knowledge of commonly used simple laboratory instruments and devices such
as calipers, thermometers, simple volt-, ohm- and ammeters, potentiometers,
diodes, transistors, simple optical devices and so on.
Ability to use, with the help of proper instruction, some sophisticated
instruments and devices such as double-beam oscilloscope, counter, ratemeter,
signal and function generators, analog-to-digital converter connected to a
computer, amplifier, integrator, differentiator, power supply, universal (analog
and digital) volt-, ohm- and ammeters.
Proper identification of error sources and estimation of their influence
on the final result(s).
Absolute and relative errors, accuracy of measuring instruments, error of
a single measurement, error of a series of measurements, error of a quantity
given as a function of measured quantities.
Transformation of a dependence to the linear form by appropriate choice of
variables and fitting a straight line to experimental points.
Proper use of the graph paper with different scales (for example polar and
logarithmic papers).
Correct rounding off and expressing the final result(s) and error(s) with
correct number of significant digits.
Standard knowledge of safety in laboratory work. (Nevertheless, if the
experimental set-up contains any safety hazards the appropriate warnings
should be included into the text of the problem.)