Riviste di pesca sportiva

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Le Riviste del settore: 22 di lingua italiana+(61+20) di lingua inglese+41 di lingua francese


In lingua italiana:

  1. http://digilander.libero.it/fabrix57  Giornalino virtuale di pesca e pescatori ideato e realizzato da Fabrizio Fiori & Maurizio Toni 

  2. http://flylinemagazine.com/   Fly Line   Rivista bimestrale che tratta di pesca a mosca ed ecosistemi fluviali. Presenta argomenti, iniziative e spiega come abbonarsi.

  3. http://it.geocities.com/moscaespinning/   Moscaespinning    Mensile informativo di pesca a spinning e con la mosca in mare ed acqua dolce. Presenta anche un forum.

  4. http://members.xoom.it/_XOOM/CTPM/index.htm     NOTIZIARIO Coordinamento Toscano Pescatori con la Mosca

  5. http://utenti.fastnet.it/utenti/fiori/   El Capucchio   Giornalino virtuale di pesca e pescatori, contiene articoli, resoconti e impressioni di pesca. Con mercatino dell'usato per l'attrezzatura

  6. http://www.anzueloysedal.com/        

  7. http://www.armifly.com/fishmagazine/index.htm  Rivista Fish Magazine

  8. http://www.blackbassfishing.it  Blackbassfishing - Fishing Photos and Movies

  9. http://www.edai.it/Pescain.html       

  10. http://www.edolimpia.it/      EDOLIMPIA 

  11. http://www.flylinemagazine.com/   FLYLINE - Ecosistemi fluviali   Vorremmo presentarti Fly Line, l'unica rivista in Italia che tratta  esclusivamente di pesca a mosca e di ambienti fluviali 

  12. http://www.freestreet.it/cgi-lib/jump.cgi?ID=3311  la rivista online della pesca a spinning

  13. http://www.greentime.it/periodici/pesca.htm   GreenTime | Editori per il tempo libero   La più grande vetrina di caccia, tiro e arceria Il segreto di Khaos il gioco interattivo di Greentime I periodici I volumi Le riviste in concessione Caccia e Tiro I manuali di Greentime

  14. http://www.lapescamoscaespinning.it/     La Pesca Mosca e Spinning   La versione online della rivista di pesca con esche artificial presenta molte rubriche curate da esperti del settore.  

  15. http://www.legapesca.it/lpnews/sommario.htm      LEGA PESCA NEWS

  16. http://www.misterfish.net/      Mister Fish Magazine On Line - La tua rivista per la pesca

  17. http://www.noipescatori.com/        NOI PESCATORI

  18. http://www.pescaenautica.com/     Pesca e Nautica  La rivista professionale online che tratta gli argomenti della pesca sportiva e della nautica. Tutto quello che desideri sapere sulla tua tecnica di pesca preferita, subito gratis a casa tua.

  19. http://www.pescaenautica.it/ pescaenautica - la rivista multimediale dedicata alla pesca in   Pescaenautica - La rivista multimediale per i pescatori sportivi e gli amanti della nautica. Vieni a navigare con noi l'universo interattivo della pesca in mare e della nautica

  20. http://www.pescareonline.it/           Pescare On Line Vieni a conoscere Pescareonline.it, il nuovo magazine della pesca sportiva in Rete. Guida completa rivolta a tutti i pescatori contenente: tecniche per pescare, itinerari e località, club del pescatore, forum di discussione, mercatino dell'usato, appuntamenti e gare e tanto altro ancora

  21. http://www.seasons-tv.com 

  22. http://www.seasons.tv/it/index.html


In lingua inglese nel mondo:


  1. http://bgf-journal.com/   Big Game Fishing Journal - WELL - IT's BASICALLY AN AD !!!

  2. http://europa.eu.int/comm/dg14/pesca/it/p_frame_it.html  PESCA INFO Commissione europea DG XIV/D/1

  3. http://europa.eu.int/comm/fisheries/policy_en.htm  U.E.FISHERIES STATISTICAL BULLETIN

  4. http://www.fishingmag.co.nz/  Southern Fishing and Boating 

  5. http://fishnz.co.nz/  The New Zealand Fishing Home-site

  6. http://flyanglersonline.com  Fly Angler's Online Magazine

  7. http://home4.swipnet.se/~w-47403/   The Cyber Match Fishing Magazine   An International match angling magazine (gare dall’Inghilterra)

  8. http://ww2.basspro.com/media/outdoormag

  9. http://www.AlaskaFlyfishingOnline.com/  Alaska Flyfishing Online - resource for fly fishing in Alaska. Includes fly tying, tips, and information on the streams, lakes, and coastline.

  10. http://www.anglers.com.au/FL/flylife.html

  11. http://www.blackwell-science.com/~cgilib/jnlpage.bin?Journal=FME&File=FME&Page=aims  Fisheries Management and Ecology

  12. http://www.cfwb.be/franca/bd/merfich.htm

  13. http://www.coastaloutdoors.com  Coastal Outdoors Magazine

  14. http://www.cqs.washington.edu/~hinrich/foundation.html  THE SHAD JOURNAL "For the study,protection and celebration of shad around the world"

  15. http://www.cyberplex.com/fishontario/  Ontario OUT OF DOORS Magazine - Fishing and Hunting in ONTARIO

  16. http://www.cygnet.co.uk/ukfw/  UK Fishing World

  17. http://www.erack.com/tands/

  18. http://www.esd.ornl.gov/societies/AFS/najfm.html  NORTH AMERICAN JOURNAL OF FISHERIES MANAGEMENT

  19. http://www.expage.com/page/bfq1  The Bank Fisherman's Quarterly Homepage (free online publication from the USA)

  20. http://www.fishandfly.co.uk/  Fish and Fly - online magazine dedicated to fly-fishing in the UK and Europe.

  21. http://www.fishhoo.com/Fishing_Media/Magazines/ Magazines

  22. http://www.fishing.co.uk/ rivista on-line inglese

  23. http://www.fishingsport.com/index.phtml?rubgrp=17 Fishing-Magazines

  24. http://www.fishingworld.com/fishingworld/TournAnglerNews/TANMain.html  Tournament Angler News - The magazine of competitive freshwater fishing. Covering tournament events THROUGH OUT THR US ONLY.... BUT ALL OF IT.

  25. http://www.fishwithus.net/home.html

  26. http://www.flsun.com/fishing.htm  Florida's Suncoast Outdoors - Sport Fishing - GOOD !!! web resource for Florida saltwater anglers. Updated weekly

  27. http://www.flyfishamerica.com  Fly Fish America Magazine - online edition of the print publication.

  28. http://www.fly-fisherman.com  Fly Fisherman - includes past and present features from the print edition.

  29. http://www.flyfishing-and-flytying.co.uk  Fly Fishing & Fly Tying - for the progressive game angler and fly tyer, with articles from the sport's best and most respected fly fishing writers and fly dressers.

  30. http://www.flyfishingjournal.com  Flyfishing Journal - features classified ads, discussion groups, stream reports, fly patterns, and more.

  31. http://www.flyfishingmagazines.com/  Abenaki Publishers Network - publishers of: American Angler, Fly Tyer, Warmwater Fly Fishing, and Saltwater Fly Fishing.

  32. http://www.flyfishinsalt.com  Fly Fishing In Saltwaters Magazine

  33. http://www.flyfishmags.com/saltwater/default.htm  SALTWATER FLY FISHING

  34. http://www.flylife.com.au/  FlyLife - publication featuring the best fly fishing to be found in fresh and salt water across Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific.

  35. http://www.flyrodreel.com/  Fly Rod & Reel - presents equipment reviews, advice on tackle and technique, travel features, and more.

  36. http://www.flyshop.com/  FLY FISHERMAN.

  37. http://www.flyshop.com/VFSM/  VFS Magazine - The First Internet Flyfihing Mag. LOTS OF GOOD STUFF / NOT JUST USA ! - Published bimonthly with frequent contributions from flyfishing's most famous authors

  38. http://www.frontierfishing.co.nz/  New Zealand: Frontier Fishing

  39. http://www.geocities.com/Yosemite/Meadows/3938/   Surf Casting site   Web-zine di pesca dalla spiaggia con articoli, informazioni, meteo e link.

  40. http://www.geocities.com/Yosemite/Trails/1490/  giornale di pesca in mare

  41. http://www.gmu.edu/bios/bay/journal/index.htm   Bay Journal

  42. http://www.gorp.com/gorp/newstand/fishing.htm  Fishing Magazines - Comprehensive US - Listing.

  43. http://www.hallmags.com/title/fly_tyer.shtml

  44. http://www.igfa.org/  IGFA BOOK. International Game Fish Association.

  45. http://www.kingfisherjournal.com/  King Fisher Journal - offers members information on streams throughout the Midwest. Also offers guiding services, instruction, and more.

  46. http://www.lakeontariooutdoors.com    LAKE ONTARIO OUTDOORS

  47. http://www.magazania.com/id/cji/group/73

  48. http://www.magazine-subscriptions-online.com/40933.html

  49. http://www.marco-island-florida.com/don/home.htm  Basic Guide to Saltwater Fly Fishing in Southwest Florida - monthly articles by Don Phillips.

  50. http://www.matchfishing.com/  Matchfishing.Com

  51. http://www.mwflytyer.com  Midwest Flytyer - patterns, tips, reports, and materials.

  52. http://www.newzcentral.com/columnists/  Mike Petty's Trophy Room

  53. http://www.ono.com/mag/ob/ob.html  Outdoor Bytes Magazine - electronic outdoors magazine, covers all aspects of sport FISHING and hunting

  54. http://www.outdoors.net/lefty/  Lefty Kreh's World - covering saltwater and freshwater fishing for bass, trout, bonefish, tarpon, salmon and other species around the world.

  55. http://www.reel-time.com

  56. http://www.smallstreams.com/  smallstreams.com - an electronic magazine dedicated to small stream fishing.

  57. http://www.sportfishingtelevision.com

  58. http://www.steelheadermag.com  The Steelheader Magazine

  59. http://www.texs.com/  Texas SportsGuide - Bass fishing magazine covering fishing, boating and vacationing on Texas' Lakes, Rivers and Gulf Coast. - A BASS PAGE AND A HALF!

  60. http://www.texs.com/circfish/index.shtml  Circular Bass Fishing Magazine - dedicated to the the outdoors and nature rather than competition fishing

  61. http://www.wheretoflyfish.com


In United Kingdom:

  1. http://www.anglersnet.co.uk/  Anglers' Net

  2. http://www.angling-news.co.uk/  Angling News

  3. http://www.carponline.com/  Carponline

  4. http://www.catchmorecarp.com/  Catchmore Carp

  5. http://www.coarse-fisherman.co.uk  Coarse Fisherman

  6. http://www.davidhall.co.uk/  David Hall

  7. http://www.eveningtelegraph.co.uk/  Dundee Evening Telegraph, sea angling diary

  8. http://www.freshwaterinformer.co.uk/    Freshwater Informer

  9. http://www.go-fishing-online.com  Go Fishing Online Magazine Channel and Radio!

  10. http://www.netmorefish.co.uk  Netmorefish Angling Community Magazine

  11. http://www.pikeandpredatorsmagazine.com  Pike and Predators Online

  12. http://www.scotangling.co.uk/  Rod And Line Fishing Magazine

  13. http://www.seaanglingnews.co.uk/  Sea Angling News

  14. http://www.specialistangling.com  Coarse Angling Today



  1. http://www.blackstar.co.uk/scp/id/gofishing/video/gobrowse/411/448  Blackstar Videos

  2. http://www.chuckloftis.com  The Poor Man's Guide to Fly-Fishing

  3. http://www.gofishing2003.co.uk/  The Angling Times Go Fishing Show 2003

  4. http://www.henry-gilbey.co.uk  Worldwide Angling Images by Henry Gilbey

  5. http://www.jrmwebsites.co.uk  JRM Fishing Websites

  6. http://www.ldtv.co.uk/  Liam Dale Television



In lingua francese:

  1. http://lapechealamouche.free.fr/revuedepresse.php3 

  2. http://meretpeche.free.fr/ 

  3. http://meretpeche.free.fr/revue/num_0.html 

  4. http://pechemag.free.fr 

  5. http://www.actupeche.com/basesdd/magazine/choixtype.asp 

  6. http://www.actupeche.com/fngp/ 

  7. http://www.caesium.fr/kiosque/sport/pub/p9121far.html 

  8. http://www.caesium.fr/kiosque/sport/pub/p9125f00.html 

  9. http://www.carpe.biz/mag.htm 

  10. http://www.carpemagazine.com/ 

  11. http://www.cheap-discount-magazine-subscriptions.com/animals/fly-rod-and-reel-magazine.asp 

  12. http://www.cheap-discount-magazine-subscriptions.com/animals/sport-fishing.asp 

  13. http://www.cofimare-editions.com/pescadou/index.html

  14. http://www.cofimare-editions.com/pescadou/sommaire.html

  15. http://www.infodeclics.com/lapeche/ 

  16. http://www.jcpoiret.com/bapw/accueil_frame.htm?page=index_peche_loisir_articles.htm      Index des revues de peche  

  17. http://www.jcpoiret.com/bapw/media/revues/revues.htm 

  18. http://www.journaux.fr/liste.asp?sousfam=60  Varie riviste francesi

  19. http://www.lechasseurfrancais.com/ 

  20. http://www.lemoucheur.com/ 

  21. http://www.loisir-peche.com/magasin.htm 

  22. http://www.magazine-peche.com 

  23. http://www.multimania.com/merlittoral/main.html 

  24. http://www.multimania.com/pechenmer 

  25. http://www.peche.ch/online/journal/index-journal.htm 

  26. http://www.peche.net/ 

  27. http://www.peche.org/ 

  28. http://www.pechealamouche.com/ 

  29. http://www.pechemag.com 

  30. http://www.peche-mag.com/

  31. http://www.pechemagazine.com/ 

  32. http://www.portail-presse.com/PmedBin/ppresse.dll/APOST  Riviste francesi

  33. http://www.promocarpe.com/

  34. http://www.promocarpe.com/carperecord.html   

  35. http://www.regisgerard.com/ 

  36. http://www.sanglier-passion.com/ 

  37. http://www.sentierchassepeche.com/flashpoisson.htm 

  38. http://www.voyagesdepeche.com/ 

  39. http://www.voyagesdepeche.com/accueil.htm  

  40. http://www.webpeche.com/
  41. http://www.echosmouche.com/rubrique.php3?id_rubrique=71    echos mouche



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