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I Graffiti della Pieve di Montefiore. Graffiti in Montefiore’s Pieve.

Montefiore is a village in Romagna (Italy); its main attractions are the beautiful fortress built by Malatesta family and two little ancient churches with interesting paintings. The Pieve (end of XIIIth cent.) is one of them and at present it’s under repair.


So, probably the old graffiti of its portal have already been destroyed as it usually happens when stones are polished.

So you can see above photographs of some scratch pictures .

In my opinion the most interesting ones represent two medieval helmets: one of them was certainly a sort of sketch for the sculpted coat of arm (IInd half of XIVth cent.)that we find now in a wall of the castle.

The other helmet probably referred to the destroyed coat of arm over the gate of the walls of the village.

The following photo shows a rough drawing of an elephant that’s one of the symbols of Malatesta family.


In other pictures we find a greek inscription (as I don’t know Greek, an help for the translation is welcome), some monograms and a portrait of a soldier (of Malatesta family?) with his helmet.

The portal showed many other inscritptions scratch in medieval types.

Monograms - Monograms


Prebably the largest part of the graffiti should have been carved between the XIVth and the XVth century.

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