ARMS - The arms were the parts that received fewer modifications. Shoulder openings aside, opened to house the new tubes, I added there a couple of handles made with thin iron wire and new rectangular verniers, coming from the accessory kit. A few details were added to the elbows joints too. The hands, often a very sorry part of this kind of kits, were changed with new completely mobile ones, taken from another kit of additional parts.

LEGS - Extensive modifications had to be done to the lower part of the legs, to implement the powerful propulsion system of the Sniper. The new air intakes on the knees are made from scratch, using plasticard and putty, just as the new housings for the verniers in the back of the legs. The new verniers are from the accessory kit, too.

WEAPONS - There are many Gundam Weapons plastic kits sold by Bandai, but they don't have any precision gun usable for sniper purpose. The only sniper gun that I have seen, excluding B-Club kits, appeared only recently in the 8TH MS Team GM Sniper kit and it is very different from the one used by this mobile suit, both in power and modality of usage. When I made this model I decided to create a precision gun, taking it from the real world. So I researched the guns used for precision shooting and chose the model H&K PSG1, used by the Italian SWAT teams. Then I built one from scratch, trying to keep the proportions of the real one.

PAINTING - I used Humbrol enamels for this model. The main colours are Matt Grey (HUMBROL 87) and Dark Blue (HUMBROL 104). Weapons and details were painted with Gun Metal (HUMBROL 53).

WEATHERING - Only some black wash for the verniers and the more exposed parts.

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