Modelling by The Wolf of A Bao A Qu
Photos by C. Spallanzani

This Sniper is one of the many General Model (GM) variations developed during the One Year War to respond to the various demands of the conflict. This one was born for guerrilla warfare in places full of hidings and coverings, using its high precision beam gun and the pair of aiming sensors to implement real ambush tactics. The many verniers of the sniper suggest a great mobility for this model, a necessity for a unit operating on its own in hostile territory.
To make the Sniper, I used the kit of a GM-Command (RGM-79G), another model seen on the Gundam 0080 OAV. If you want to make the GM-Command, the kit is quite good, easy to make and with the right proportions. Of course, a long series of modifications are in order to take out a Sniper from that kit.

HEAD - The Sniper's head differentiates from the others GMs' one for the precision sensor inserted in a mobile visor, moving up and down on the normal view screen. I started cutting off the sensor on the forehead and the air intakes on the chin. Then I made the two big rounded "ear-plugs", using a few layers of 0,3 mm plasticard and hiding the mobile joints for the new visor. The rest of the visor is made with 0,5 mm plasticard and has the new sensor glued on it. The larger air intakes were also made with more plasticard, while for the antenna I used some thick copper wire.

BODY - First of all, I closed the main air intakes on the chest with some putty, making smaller ones with plasticard, just as I did for the head intakes. On the shoulders, I cut off a large portion of plastic to make room for two pair of tubes connecting the upper body to the arms. The tubes are perfectly cylindrical shoestrings (the things you can find at home!!), that fit right in the housing created in the corresponding shoulder piece. The backpack had to be completely reconstructed, because the Sniper backpack configuration is completely different from any other GM's. I followed the original design and used thick 0,5 mm plasticard to make it from scratch. For the new verniers I used a resin kit of additional parts, which you can find in the best model shops or order on line, along with many other accessories. Both frontal and rear skirts were extended in length with some putty. I finally added two more rectangular verniers under the lower body.