A beautiful woman in her late twenties dressed with taste and dignity...

Fancher and Peoples


Rachael, the perfect woman except she's an android -- but doesn't know it. The only replicants the hard-nosed Deckard sees on Earth are renegades, and it's his job to kill them. If they're good replicants, he has no interest in them. But Rachael's different. She's a new prototype, implanted with memories and developing human emotions.

Rachael functions as an assistant to Tyrell, welcoming visitors such as Deckard. Her taking of the V-K test reveals how advanced replicants have become, indirectly supporting his mission to defeat them. By not opposing Deckard's blade running more actively, Rachael passively supports his killing of replicants similar to herself. She does provide emotional support for Deckard, moving him from a cold, heartless blade runner towards a more human person.

Rachael is an advanced android, a replicant with a heart and soul. Standing out from the army of other replicants, she wants to be all she can be. Rachael's in a predicament -- she's an android who feels like a human, and wants to be treated as one.

Initially, Deckard presumes himself superior to Rachael, a mere replicant. He's dismissive of her "memories" as implants. Her emotional reaction to that makes him feel guilty, more so when he's told to kill her. When she saves his life he realizes he can't kill her, as through her he's getting in touch with his own suppressed emotions and memories. After making love to her and watching Batty die while celebrating life, Deckard commits to a future with Rachael, however short it may be.

She calls into question his ability to differentiate between humans and replicants with any certainty, which shakes Deckard's faith in how this future society is run.



- Description


Rachael's Description
Sean Young vs Rachael