For many Blade Runner fans, Sean Young, has become a symbol, with her unreachable beauty, cold but exiting, mysterious but sensitive. Film producer Michael Deeley stated: "In an audition, among more than fifty actresses, we picked out only two. One was Barbara Hershey, the other was Sean Young. Well there were a lot of reasons that made me prefer Sean. I thought the girl should have been young and wonderful. Furthermore, I had in my mind the image about Rachael similar to Vivien Leigh, in Gone with the Wind, or Rita Hayworth. Partly because Vivien Leigh was a strong and brave woman, partly because I preferred a brunette". Scott supposed Sean suitable even from the conceptual point of view. He came to believe Rachael must have had a great freshness, as if she had just come out from replicant's plant. "You can't draw this impression from a 35/40 actress, independently from her prowess. It would have become a completely different kind of movie".

In a 1982 interview, Sean Young said: "I hadn't approached Blade Runner as a Science Fiction movie, but as a romantic thriller, such as Casablanca, with a futuristic environment. When you meet Rachael for the first time, she shows herself a cold performer, absolutely behaved. Deckard succeeds in breaking thorough her icy surface, and she becomes an innocent little girl".

"The scene I like most is when Harrison Ford tells me I am a replicant, an emotional robot, and as soon as I listen to this, I start crying. They were true tears!"

"Many people like the scene when I say 'Kiss me, kiss me' to Harrison Ford. Personally, it's not one of my favorites. How could I liked a guy who threw me against the wall and throughout the room? I got a lot of bruises. And Harrinson was unshaven and scratched my face. I was really bad, and I had to stay away from work for two or three weeks after that scene". Here we have to say that Harrison and Sean didn't get along with each other at that time. Harrison hated her and we still don't know why.



Young vs Rachael



Rachael's Description
Sean Young vs Rachael