A Welcome… and a proper clarification. Whoever is going to visit this site is probably a Christian. If you have not given your life to Christ, I warmly invite you to consider the love of God, who sent Jesus to offer His innocent life on the cross in order to save us from our wickedness. The one that wrote these few lines has experienced it for himself (see biography) and he speaks with the joy of having received forgiveness from God. Whoever you are, Jesus loves you… Welcome!
The LORD was ready to save me: therefore we will sing my songs to the stringed instruments all the days of our life in the house of the LORD. (Isaiah 38:20) I don't consider myself a "musician", I only strum the guitar. Between prayer and music, I give top priority to prayer, one hundred to one. But indeed for this reason, I think I'm able to offer a balanced point of view on the matter of "music". In both good ways and evil ways, music has power. This is attested to by the Bible (for instance, look at the harp of David that calmed the tormented spirit of Saul in I Samuel 16:23, or the prophecy of Elisha with musical accompaniment of II Kings 3:15). It is a strength that we cannot ignore. As were all things created by God and in the sight of God (music was created first to praise Him, Job 38:7, and it will be present in eternity - see Revelations 15:2,3), making music is good but abusing music is bad - and today in the world we see the abuse or "diverted use" of music (don't they speak about rock "idols"?). When we speak of Christian music, we refer to poetic texts with biblical truth. Christian music is doctrinally correct. We sing praises to God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit), with the purpose of worship and to edify or to express the joy of a living faith, accompanied by an edifying musical performance. When we talk about the word "edifying", I know that we can discuss a lot. Let me explain what it means to me. Music that edifies lifts up my soul, it brings me close to the Lord, it makes me grow and leaves with me a pleasant emotion that is not temporal but something lasting, like when I listen attentively to a good sermon or a fervent prayer. Christian songs presuppose a Christian message, the same that we evangelical Christians preach and live.As the message of the Gospel is radical, so the music and the voice that sings the message has to be - as Keith Green sang - "without compromises".
From 1978
till the present I have composed around 140 You will
find some of my repertiore in this site:
if you don't like it, that's ok, it doesn't matter, and if you like
it, all the glory goes to the Lord.