Status: |
OFF since 22/12/2004 Can be re-activated upon request. | SPENTO dal 22/12/2004 Puo' essere riattivato su richiesta. |
Frequency: | 28.322 MHz (*) | 28.322 MHz (*) |
Mode: | CW QRSS3 (3s dot) with CW ID+info | CW QRSS3 (punti lunghi 3s) con CW ID+info |
Operational: |
Now 24/7. Started on 1 Dec. 2003. | Operativo 24h/24. Attivo dal 1 dicembre 2003. |
Location: | Torino, Italy. JN35TC | Torino, JN35TC |
Power: | 300 milliWatt (0.3W) | 300 milliWatt (0.3W) |
Antenna: |
10m short whip on the balcony. Preferred radiation paths are from 0deg to 270deg | Verticale accorciata per i 10m sul balcone. Direzioni preferenziali di irradiazione: da 0 gradi a 270 gradi |
Message: | 15WPM CW ID followed by a codeletter at 3s dot. | ID in CW a 15WPM, seguito da una lettera in QRSS3 (punti di 3s) |
Details: |
Homebrew beacon based on "Fireball 40" and N7KSB's designs. Uses a 28.322 MHz canned oscillator and a 74HC240 power amplifier followed by a Pi-L low-pass filter. Keyed with PicBeacon software on a PIC 16F84. A schematic diagram is freely available for non-commercial purposes. |
Beacon autocostruito basato sul "Fireball 40" e su progetti di N7KSB. Usa un oscillatore a 28.322 MHz e un 74HC240 come amplificatore, il tutto seguito da un filtro passa-basso a Pi-L. La manipolazione e' effettuata da PicBeacon, basato su PIC 16F84. Lo schema elettrico è disponibile per scopi non commerciali. |
Reports: | Please send your reception reports to me: pcravero{.at.} | Invia i rapporti di ricezione a: pcravero{.a.} |
(*) 2004-05-18: PA1SDB during his monitoring activity on my beacon measured the actual frequency to be 28.32193 MHz. When tuning take into account that usual HAM RTXs tend to drift -a lot- in the first 30 minutes of operation. As a reference, my IC-706MKiiG drifts more than 300Hz!
(*) 2004-05-18: durante l'attività di ascolto del beacon, PA1SDB ha misurato in 28.32193 MHz la frequenza di trasmissione. Bisogna tenere inoltre presente che i normali RTX amatoriali hanno la tendenza a variare la loro frequenza, e anche di molto, nella prima mezz'ora di operazione. A titolo di esempio il mio IC-706MKiiG varia anche di 300Hz!
Date UTC_s UTC_e Call WWL RST/Codeword SS QRG Notes QRB 21/05/2005 xx:yy DL8WX JN30WE 519 547 25/09/2004 17:21 SWL 2470/TO JN35UC 439 1/1 y 28321930 7 10/07/2004 19:56 DJ7KG JN39UR 429 514 10/07/2004 20:03 DJ7KG JN39UR 549 514 09/07/2004 11:45 ON5EX JO10UX 5/5 28321940weak traces 715 08/07/2004 13:22 13:43 DJ7KG JN39UR 329 y 514 07/07/2004 13:55 DJ7KG JN39UR 549 514 11/06/2004 18:08 SWL 2470/TO JN35UC 5/5 y 28321930 7 30/05/2004 7:00 7:30 PA1SDB JO33KH quick fading (20s or s 914 29/05/2004 8:48 9:40 PA1SDB JO33KH 5/5 strongest at 9.20z 914 29/05/2004 11:32 11:45 ON5SL JO10TT 0/5 y strongest at 11.41 701 29/05/2004 9:24 G3GKI IO94TF 5/5 1165 28/05/2004 9:30 PA1SDB JO33KH dots and daahs 914 28/05/2004 10:30 PA1SDB JO33KH 28'321'932dots and daahs 914 27/05/2004 14:40 16:30 PA1SDB JO33KH 5/5 Best at 15.30 and 15.5 914 27/05/2004 17:00 G3GKI IO94TF 5/5 y 28'321'936 1165 27/05/2004 16:30 DL8WX JN30WE 519 Audible, no QRSS SW 547 26/05/2004 12:00 19:00 PA1SDB JO33KH 5/5 Best at 18.20-18.40z 914 26/05/2004 14:34 DJ7KG JN39UR 329 514 21/05/2004 18:00 18:01 PA1SDB JO33KH 28'321'924Traces 914 21/05/2004 18:25 19:00 PA1SDB JO33KH 5/5 y 28'321'924 914 17/05/2004 9:55 10:11 PA1SDB JO33KH 2/5 y 28'321'935 914 12/05/2004 10:41 DJ7KG JN39UR 329 514
Here is shown a coverage simulation made with Radio Mobile Deluxe.
The first picture shows the coverage in S-units for a 0.1W signal. The second picture shows reception levels if the
signal is sent with a 14dB gain, which is a good estimation of QRSS3 improvement over normal CW. The area shown in
both maps is 50km high and 66km wide. The red circle is centered on the beacon, about JN35TC/UC. I can provide a coverage map with
names and roads to help with orientation.
Parameters used:
These people have contributed to the success of this project: my great wife Ana with her patience and, in random order, N7KSB, DL4YHF, Hans Summers...
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