When the tigers broke freeIt was just before dawnone miserabile morning in black ‘forty four when the forward commander was told to sit tight when he asked that his men be withdrawn. And the generals gave thanks as the other ranks held back the enemy tanks for a while. And the Anzio bridgehead was held for the price of a few hundred ordinary lives. And kind old king George sent mother a note where he heard that father was gone. It was, as I recall in a form of a scroll with gold leaf and all. And i found it one day in a drawer of old photographs hidden away. And my eyes still grow damp to remember His Majesty signed with his own rubber stamp. It was dark all around there was frost in the ground when the tigers broke free. And no one survived from the Royal Fusiliers Company C. they were all left behind, most of them dead the rest of them dying. And that’s how the High Command took my daddy from me. from me! | Quando
le tigri si
liberaronoEra appena prima dell’alba |
[1] Questo brano
apre il film "The Wall": in origine apparve come singolo
promozionale del film, e l'idea era che apparisse sul disco successivo
dei Pink Floyd, "The Final Cut". In realtà non trovò posto. E' poi
apparso sulla compilation "Echoes" del 2001, e in seguito nella
versione rimasterizzata di "The Final Cut" del 2004. Appare qui perché
il gentilissimo Giovanni Fiorini ci ha offerto la sua traduzione, e
perché il brano, pur non facendo parte dell'album "The Wall", né del
live che abbiamo preso come punto di riferimento per la nostra
traduzione, è la naturale appendice o, meglio, premessa, per
entrambi. (ritorna)
i testi:
Lyrics by Roger Waters; Copyright Pink Floyd Music Publisher Ltd.
Per la
Copyright 2007 by Giovanni Fiorini
Impaginazione HTML by Marcello Mancini
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