December 9 2002 – Lecture: “Neural networks. A statistical point of
view on the ANN” at the “1st Meeting of the newly reborn
International Society for Mathematical Models in Medicine”
Bologna, June 4 2003 –
Lecture: “Informazione è vita. Natura e ruolo degli acidi
nucleici” during the seminars cycle “Caos, complessità, e
informazione: il caso delle sequenze genetiche”. (
Bologna, July 7 2003 – Lecture: “Breve panoramica: la biomatematica mondiale”
at the “Seconda riunione della Società Internazionale per i Modelli
Matematici in Medicina”
January 31 2004 – Lecture: “Which mathematics for which kind of prevention?
Short synopsis of the undertaken paths” at the congress “L’epidemiologia e la
prevenzione delle malattie cardiovascolari: dal pionierismo all’evidenza
scientifica. Giancarlo Descovich: l’opera e la scuola”. (
Reggio Emilia, November 27 2006 – Lecture: “Importanza del dosaggio delle LDL piccole e dense nella valutazione clinica del rischio cardiovascolare”
at the Congress "Il metabolismo lipidico: aspetti fisiopatologici, clinici e tecniche di analisi su sistemi analitici
Lisbon, March 8 2007 - Lecture: "Docosahexaenoic and
eicosapentaenoic acids in arrhytmias prevention, new insights" in the context
of a cycle of meetings for continuing medical education at Santa Marta
Milan, June 14 2004 – Communication: “Stochastic load test: one step toward a
more realistic and reliable CHD diagnostic instrument” at the “5th
International Heart Health Conference. Positioning technology to serve global
heart health” (
Bologna, September 16 2005 - Communication: "A study of the relationship between
idiopathic pancreatic hyperenzymemia and dyslipidemia" at the "29th
National Congress of the Italian Association for the Study of the Pancreas" (
Lisbon, October 6 2005 - Communication: "Insulin resistance in diabetes secondary to chronic pancreatitis" at the "4th Meeting of Mediterranean Societies of Pancreatology: Controversies in pancreatic diseases." (
Vilamoura, April 26 2006 - Communication: "Metabolic syndrome diagnosis criteria - diverging to the point? Massa Lombarda Program cohort preliminary analysis""
at the "XXVII Congresso Portugues de Cardiologia" (
Bologna, September 16 2005 - Poster: "Mutations of the CFTR gene in idiopathic
pancreatic hyperenzymemia" at the "29th National Congress of the Italian
Association for the Study of the Pancreas" (
Bologna, December 5 2005 - Poster: "Metabolic
Syndrome, a major risk factor for the Alzheimer disease. What is the
proportion of this trouble in Italy? A preliminary analysis of the Massa Lombarda Program database" at the congress "Atherosclerosis and Alzheimer's disease: clinical diagnosis and management in the elderly" (
Vilamoura, April 24 2006 - Poster: "A new Heart Rate Variability
analysis approach. May information play a greater role in our clinics?"
at the congress "XXVII
Congresso Portugues de Cardiologia" (
Vilamoura, April 24 2006 - Poster: "Lp(a) and LDL-Cholesterol in FH
after apheresis treatment" at the congress "XXVII Congresso
Portugues de Cardiologia" (
Vilamoura, April 24 2006 - Poster: "Metabolic syndrome risk factors
correlation networks in Massa Lombarda population. Relevant structural
differences between healthy and affected groups" at the congress "XXVII
Congresso Portugues de Cardiologia" (
Roma, June 20 2006 - Poster: "A new heart rate variability analysis approach. May information play a greater role in our clinics?" at the congress "XIV
International Symposium on Atherosclerosis" (
Roma, June 21 2006 - Poster: "Metabolic Syndrome diagnostic criteria. Diverging to the point? A Massa Lombarda Program cohort preliminary analysis" at the congress "XIV
International Symposium on Atherosclerosis" (
Roma, June 21 2006 - Poster: "Metabolic Syndrome risk factors' correlation networks in Massa Lombarda population. Relevant structural differences between healthy and affected groups" at the congress "XIV
International Symposium on Atherosclerosis" (
Roma, June 22 2006 - Poster: "Lp(a) and LDL modifications in FH after apheresis treatment" at the congress "XIV
International Symposium on Atherosclerosis" (