Modelling Lewismaster
Photos C. Spallanzani
The Gryps conflict
of U.C 0087 between the Titans, the A.E.U.G. and
New Zion had another antagonist in the enigmatic
character with a hidden agenda called Paptimus
Scirocco. He was the owner of a huge starship, the
Jupitoris, and the designer of a few powerful
prototype mobile suits. The Pallas Athena is one of
them. It's a war machine filled to the ears with
weapons, but without enough energy to use them all
togheter. Despite these limitations, it was used
extensively in the final stages of the war, when it
was destroyed in a fight to the death with Gundam
The kit is quite fine for mobility and prportions,
but it lacks all of the external weapons and needs
a lot of work in adding details. This is another
model that was built and modified a first time and
later dismantled and modified again to reach
satisfactory results. It could be better, but who
knows when i'll have the time and the will to
change it again for a third time.